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A Model Citizen is a quest in the Fallout 4 add-on Vault-Tec Workshop.

Quick walkthrough[]

Vault-Tec Workshop quest: A Model Citizen 
Follow the overseer. 
Kill the feral ghouls. 
Talk to the overseer. 
Build the Vault 88 Overseer's Desk
Return to the overseer. 
Turn on the Vault 88 Radio Beacon
Return to the overseer. 
Help the overseer interview candidates 
Explore Vault 88 
Talk to the overseer 
Leads to: Explore Vault 88 
Reward: 350 XP 
Leads to: Power to the People 

Detailed walkthrough[]

After reaching Valery Barstow, she will ask the Sole Survivor to follow her as she explains her situation. There are several feral ghouls and even a glowing one nearby who used to be part of the construction team working inside the vault. The nearest one, Julian, will become hostile if one gets too close to him. Barstow will ask him to stop, before realizing he no longer responds, and will request the Sole Survivor to put the rest of the construction team out of their misery. Once all the ghouls are dead, Barstow will explain that Stanislaus Braun tasked her with a vital experiment for Vault 88.

If one chooses the 'Vault-Tec are bastards' option in dialogue, she will understand, and state that the program can be altered to be more ethical to the test subjects (though the player character can alter the parameters of each experiment to be ethical even if this dialogue option is not chosen). There is also the option to expel Barstow from the vault, permanently failing and ending the questline, but giving the Sole Survivor control of the entire vault and granting access to all of the prototypes. The achievement Oversight may also be gained here.

If one grants her wishes, the Vault 88 overseer's desk must then be built with the workshop for her. Once she has consulted the terminal, she will ask the Sole Survivor to turn on the radio beacon in the entranceway where Security Chief Andersen was encountered. Its switch is on the large control board in the middle of the room. After that is completed, the player character will be told to Explore Vault 88, triggering the related side quest. This requires clearing rockfalls that have blocked up entrances to new passages beyond the main chamber, as well as restarting the workshops in these sections.

Once enough time has passed (no exploration is required for this to happen) the next stage is to help Barstow interview new candidates into the vault. A group of settlers will have appeared at the entrance to the vault, summoned by the radio beacon. Two are unnamed, the third being Clem, who is the type of person Barstow is looking for.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
100 Build the Vault 88 Overseer's DeskI've agreed to help Overseer Valery Barstow rebuild Vault 88 and test prototypes that are supposed to help people. The first step is building her a place to work.
125 Follow the OverseerI've met the would be Overseer of Vault 88. She wants me to follow her and she'll tell me more.
150 Talk to the Overseer
175Quest failed(Overseer turned down)
200 Return to the OverseerI've agreed to help Overseer Valery Barstow rebuild Vault 88 and test prototypes that are supposed to help people. Now that she has her Overseer's Desk, I should find out the next step.
300 Turn on the Vault 88 Radio BeaconWith the Overseer set up, the next step is turning on a radio beacon to attract people to Vault 88.
400 Explore Vault 88I should explore the rest of Vault 88 while I'm waiting for the first test subjects to arrive.
450 Help the Overseer interview candidatesTogether the Overseer and I need to interview our new Vault residents and find someone that would make a good experimental test subject.
700 Talk to the OverseerWe've found our test subject: Clem. I should talk with the Overseer to find out about the experiments.
800Quest finishedQuest Completed
9000Quest failedQuest Failed

Companion reactions[]

Saying Vault-Tec destroyed your lifeNo reactionLikeNo reactionLikeLikeLikeNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction
Asking for caps before building the Overseer's DeskLikeDislikesNo reactionDislikesNo reactionNo reactionLikeNo reactionDislikesNo reactionNo reactionLikeNo reactionNo reaction
Telling the Overseer you won't toy with people's livesNo reactionLikeLikeLikeLikeLikeNo reactionLikeLikeDislikesLikeDislikesLikeNo reaction
Calling Clem an idiotLikeDislikesDislikesDislikesDislikesNo reactionLikeDislikesNo reactionLikeDislikesLikeNo reactionNo reaction
Saying you like ClemDislikesLikeLikeLikeLikeNo reactionNo reactionLikeNo reactionDislikesLikeNo reactionNo reactionNo reaction


Only the overseer's desk from the special menu will advance the quest, the overseer's desk in the furniture menu will not. With this in mind, do not scrap the original overseer's desk. If one intends to retain the services of the overseer at the end of the quest chain, she will only interact with her original desk.


  • PCPC After building the overseer's desk, the overseer may not speak to the player character and the quest will be stuck. This bug is caused by scrapping the cases full of vault suits and Pip-Boys in the antechamber or by removing their content. Inputting setstage xx004840 300 will advance the quest as normal.[verified]
    • This problem can also be caused by too much distance between the Overseer Barstow and the Overseer's Desk. Open the Workshop, save the Overseer's Desk, then close the Workshop and open it again (if you save the Overseer's Desk in your Workshop, you won't see it in a special menu). After all that, move the Overseer's desk closer to Overseer Barstow. When she sits down at the Overseer's desk, you will be able to talk to her.
    • After Clem is accepted, the quest updates and "Talk to the Overseer" is the next objective. No dialogue is possible, however, as she only keeps repeating "Such a delight to talk to living, breathing people." Stage 700 is shown as set, but nothing will progress the quest. Manually setting stage 800 will successfully complete the quest, but no further quests are available. Talking to the Overseer only opens the trade item screen.
    • If after constructing the overseer's desk (from the SPECIAL menu, not furniture) or spawning an overseer's desk (player.placeatme xx005617) and advancing the quest with setstage DLC06MQ03 200, 300, or even 400 and you manage to make it to the point where you're supposed to "Help the Overseer interview candidates" (450) but the Overseer just keeps saying she needs her desk (thus blocking progression) you can try Set DLC06OverseerDeskBuilt to 1 which will set the global variable internally recognizing that you've in fact constructed the overseer's desk. There are a slew of similar commands that can be used for the prototypes in the next quest, Power to the People. It'd be advisable, if you've somehow already built them to remove them then use the commands to set their recipe unlocks to 0 prior to getting to that quest. And if you've used the Transfer Settlements mod it's advisable to complete the quests prior to importing a blueprint as to not break the quests.
  • PCPC Sometimes, if the objective to help interview candidates is ignored and returned to later, the interview scene will not start and the player character will have no way to talk to the overseer. Additionally, two of the settlers will only offer to trade with the player character and the third will speak in a muffled voice.[verified]
    • On PC, this can be fixed by selecting the female settler standing in the middle using the console and entering recycleactor, followed by moveto player.
    • If console usage is unavailable, one can kill Overseer Barstow, failing the quest, but also granting the player character ownership of the vault and the Oversight achievement (if not already acquired).