During Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam), players increase their team's tactical rating by defeating enemy players, as well as claiming ovoos.


Time Limit
Level Requirement

20 minutes

Job level 30

Abandoning Matches

Players who abandon a Frontline campaign (not including players who join a match in progress or are vote kicked) will receive a penalty. Players so penalized will be unable to use the Duty Finder for 30 minutes.
Players inactive for over a period of two minutes will automatically be removed from play.

Entry Requirements

Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam)

Role Requirements
Number of Participants
Grand Company


* Players can freely change jobs or classes at their Grand Company's landing.

One to four players.

Unrestricted Parties Not Allowed

Enlistment in a Grand Company

* Players will be randomly assigned to one of the three Grand Company teams.

Players can queue to enter Frontline campaigns alone, or in a party of up to four players. Please note there are no role restrictions when queuing as a party.


The Say, Party, Alliance, Yell, Shout, Free Company, Linkshell, Cross-world Linkshell, PvP Team, and Novice Network chat channels can be used during Frontline.
* Say, Yell, and Shout can only be used with players on the same team.


Incapacitated players will be returned to their Grand Company's landing, where they will be allowed to rejoin combat after a short delay. This will not incur a weakness penalty.

Furthermore, players will be invulnerable while within their Grand Company's landing, and will not incur any status ailments applied by enemy players. This invulnerability lasts for 15 seconds after leaving the landing.


Players are free to use mounts during Frontline campaigns. However, players taking damage while mounted will be afflicted with the Hoofing It status effect for five seconds.
* Flying mounts cannot be used to fly during Frontline campaigns. Furthermore, party members may not ride pillion on multi-seat mounts.


Using Return will teleport players back to their landing point. Moreover, this action has no recast time during Frontline campaigns. Please note, however, casting will be interrupted by attacks.


Items cannot be used during a Frontline campaign.

Victory Conditions and Tactical Rating

Rules of Engagement

The first team to reach the required tactical rating will be declared the winner, and the remaining teams will be ranked according to their respective ratings.

Increasing Tactical Rating

Claiming Ovoos

Across the field of battle, there are sacred sites known as ovoos. By laying claim to these locations, players can increase their team's tactical rating over time.

Ovoo States
In the course of battle, an ovoo will assume one of four states, in the following order:

1. Inactive

While inactive, an ovoo cannot be claimed. All ovoos are inactive at the onset of battle, but as time passes, they will randomly begin activating.

2. Activating

When an ovoo begins activating, a symbol will appear above it indicating the time remaining before it becomes active. The symbol will gradually take shape until it becomes complete, rendering the ovoo active.

3. Active

When an ovoo is active, players can claim it for their team. If you are attacked in the midst of laying claim, the process will be interrupted.

4. Claimed

When claimed, an ovoo gradually increases a team's tactical rating. A claimed ovoo cannot be seized by the opposition; however, after a certain amount of time has elapsed, it will revert to being inactive again.

Ovoo Rank
When an ovoo begins activating, it will randomly be assigned a rank: B, A, or S. While higher-ranked ovoos are rarer, they increase a team's tactical rating at a faster rate. The closer it is to the center of the battlefield, the greater the likelihood that an ovoo's rank will be high.

B Rank

A Rank

S Rank

Changes During Battle
As the battle progresses, the number of ovoos that can be simultaneously active will decrease. At the same time, the likelihood that they will activate at a higher rank will increase.

Engaging Opposing Teams

By defeating players from opposing teams, players can increase their tactical rating while at the same time decreasing that of the opposing team.

Confirming Tactical Rating

The tactical rating of each team can be confirmed via the specialized interface.

Advanced Rules

Limit Break

Combat rank bonuses will also affect the rate at which the limit gauge fills.

Rank Rate
1st Fills 0.75 times faster
2nd None
3rd Fills 1.25 times faster

Battle High

Battle High is a status that increases damage dealt and HP restored by healing actions according to a player's knockouts and assists. The maximum rating is 100, and for every increment of 20, the status increases in strength. Being incapacitated will reduce the rating by half.

Status Rating Effect
Battle High I 20 to 39 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 10%.
Battle High II 40 to 59 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 20%.
Battle High III 60 to 79 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 30%.
Battle High IV 80 to 99 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 40%.
Battle High V 100 Damage dealt and healing potency increased by 50%.

Each player's Battle High gauge indicates their current rating.

A player's Battle High status is indicated with an icon on their nameplate, which changes according to the rank of their Battle High.

Player Icons

All players engaged in combat will appear on the map and minimap when nearby.

Job Modifiers

Damage dealt, damage taken, and limit gauge charge time in Frontline campaigns are adjusted based on your current job.

Job Damage Dealt Damage Taken Limit Gauge Charge Time
Paladin - -50% -
Warrior -10% -50% -
Dark Knight -15% -50% +15s
Gunbreaker -5% -50% +15s
Monk - -50% -
Dragoon -10% -50% +15s
Ninja - -50% -
Samurai -10% -50% +15s
Reaper - -50% -
Viper - -50% -
Bard - -25% -15s
Machinist - -25% -
Dancer - -35% +15s
Black Mage - -25% -
Summoner -15% -25% +15s
Red Mage - -35% -
Pictomancer - -25% -
White Mage -10% -25% +15s
Scholar - -25% -
Astrologian -5% -25% -
Sage - -25% -