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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Recruiting Industrial Occult Members



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15:00 2:00
12:00 3:00
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#Community Driven
#Socially Active
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Player Events
#Work-life Balance
Thank you for checking out our page!

We are Industrial Occult.

We are an active and growing LGBTQ+ friendly FC. Our focus is to create a community of people who enjoy the game so that we can play together and share this wonderful world. We are inclusive and a mix of long-time and newer players.

We don’t mind if you play only a few hours a month or have your mail forwarded to Eorzea as you’ve taken up permanent residence. As long as you enjoy the game and want to make friends you can have adventures with, then we would be happy to have you!

A little about us.

We started the FC as just a small group of friends but have slowly added more members as we’ve explored more of the amazing community. As we grew and met more great people, we decided we wanted to give it a real go at making a fun and inclusive FC. We want everyone to have a say in how the FC is run, so we are always open to new ideas and suggestions from our members.

We enjoy a lot of community events, such as glam contests with 1m+ gil prizes and map/mount farming nights. We take time every week (at the moment Saturday nights) to have weekly FC nights where we hang out on Discord, run side content (Eureka, Bozja, etc), or just play party-style games. We use our FC house as a base for many activities, and our basement is a showroom/theatre/stage area for contests!

We have an active 18+ Discord server with plenty of memes, music, and places to chat about out-of-game hobbies. It's also the hub of our community from member votes to event night planning.

Although we try and keep things relaxed, we do want to make the most of in-game content -- including events running the classic harder content, such as ARR extremes, so newer players can enjoy and experience high-end content without having to reach end-game. We also run current savages with our in-house static team and are in the process of recruiting for a second. We have a "looking for group" section in our discord for members to reach out if there's any content they'd like to run that we haven't made events for yet.

I think this covers the key points. If you have any questions, please just ask. You can reach us in-game, apply at our FC house (Plot 15, 25 Ward, Mist) or on Discord @the_kurzone

Group Profile



Active Members




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Plot 15, 25 Ward, Mist (Large)

Estate Profile

-I-O- Headquarters


Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Kurzon Dax Louisoix [Chaos]

Please don't leave comments on this page as we don't get notifications. Apply in-game or send me a message on Discord if you're interested in joining :)



Aethesral Krystalis Omega [Chaos]

I really like the positive reference to being LGBTQ+ friendly.


Remy Moon Louisoix [Chaos]

hi i'd like to join please :)


Community Member Seri Akatsuki Louisoix [Chaos]

The Description seems very nice

It would be nice to join


-- -- ----

Yes, I'd like to join and play together and talk together and watch memes together and...Please, may I join? :3


Community Member Dil Sandbolt Louisoix [Chaos]

Helloo i would love to join you guys, love the vibes c: !


Oki Goro Louisoix [Chaos]

Hello, i would like to join please, seems like a nice fc :D


Anvanda Quivelli Phoenix [Light]

How do I join?


General Popandlock Louisoix [Chaos]

Are you guys still recruiting?


Community Member Lucia Fallwyne Louisoix [Chaos]

Hey, Yes we are still recruiting! If this is up we are still looking ♥ please contact me on discord @ SecretPanda#6072 or apply at our FC house


Mina Leyw Louisoix [Chaos]

Hey! If you're still recruiting, I'd love to join you guys.

(Edited)  -

Community Member Lucia Fallwyne Louisoix [Chaos]

Hey, Yes we are still recruiting! If this is up we are still looking ♥ please contact me on discord @ SecretPanda#6072 or apply at our FC house

This comment has been deleted.

Community Member Jobetta Infuego Louisoix [Chaos]

Hi there, I'd also like to join and just applied. I hope you accept :)


Community Member Izelle Dufoe Louisoix [Chaos]

I would love to join :D


Community Member Kalwyn Thorn Louisoix [Chaos]

Hi there! I'm a returning player currently floundering through FCs trying to find one that fits me. I'm a very social player and love talking non-stop. I'm currently in another FC but so far it's not really working out, they're great people just not quite as community-focused as I'm looking for. I love doing maps and group content although I am a little rusty in my tanking, It was between you and another when I last looked, but if it's possible I'd love to give you a shot. :)


Bjorn Osbern Louisoix [Chaos]

Hello i would like to join, getting back into the game and my old FC has died out. looking for new chill people to play with :D


Community Member Lucia Fallwyne Louisoix [Chaos]

If you're looking to join us PLEASE dont just leave a comment here. We dont get notifications of them and you wont get notified if I reply. Please apply at our FC in game or contact me on discord.


Community Member Ferrus Dorn Louisoix [Chaos]

hello i want to join but i dont know how


Community Member Aleister Crowley Louisoix [Chaos]

I will show you the ways of the occult.


Community Member Khara Altan Louisoix [Chaos]

Hi! If you're still recruiting new players, i would love to join!


Community Member Kurzon Dax Louisoix [Chaos]

Message from your friendly Industrial Occult Recruiter:

Please don't leave messages on here as we don't get notified. If you're interested in joining the FC, apply in-game or send me a DM on discord (@the_kurzone) and I can send you an invite.

Thank you for your interest in our FC <3

-Kurzon and Lucia


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