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to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Cross-world Linkshell

Recruiting Chaos Hunts Fates Members

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0:00 23:00
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A crowd-sourced echo shell for S ranks and Fates on the Chaos Data Centre. .

Now featuring Hunt Trains™ from the Devil May Cry Series

Please keep off-topic conversation out of the linkshell.

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Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Maowo Toi Cerberus [Chaos]



Alvar Swaggins Moogle [Chaos]

Sign me up


Illustrious Fox Faerie [Aether]

Sign me up!


Nelind'a Earthborn Omega [Chaos]

Hi I'm interested, can I join ? :D


Sakki Kissa Spriggan [Chaos]

Sign me up PLEASE


Aailom Strife Cerberus [Chaos]

Im interested, sign me up


Ropteri Roskalintu Omega [Chaos]

I'm up for some hunts, sign me up


Vodka Quiet Sagittarius [Chaos]

Hey! Im interested, can i join?


Irissa Kyrella Sagittarius [Chaos]

Sign me up, thank you!


Mira Nee Tonberry [Elemental]

Sign me up, thank you!


P'awbati Dinhe Phantom [Chaos]

Hey, I'm definitely interested, thanks!


Yuki Highwind Phantom [Chaos]

Hi! I'd love to join :)


Rainy Raspberry Phantom [Chaos]

Hiii sign me up !


Hasha Laysam Louisoix [Chaos]

I'd like to sign up please!


To Ro Ragnarok [Chaos]

Sign me up pls


Citryth Le'monade Cerberus [Chaos]

I'm interested! Sign me up, please :>


Surya Theros Louisoix [Chaos]

May i join you ?


Keenan Gawain Phantom [Chaos]

Hey ! Also super interested to join !


Alexio Stone Ragnarok [Chaos]

Ho, i am interested to join, thanks


Zepheriel Helhwyn Spriggan [Chaos]

Hi ! I am interested. Can I join ? :)

This comment has been deleted.

Blondeeh Blond Zodiark [Light]

Hi! I would love to join, thanks! :)


Eventide Daeskr Omega [Chaos]

May I join? Thanks


Kiva Arath Spriggan [Chaos]

Hello! Sign me please.


Angel Strife Moogle [Chaos]

Hello! I'm interested, can i join?


Yu Kitakata Ragnarok [Chaos]

Hi! Can you see me up please? Thx :D


Jabsnatch Grimm Sagittarius [Chaos]

Hi ! Very interested, can i join you ? Thanks :)


Nyyu Khan Ragnarok [Chaos]

o/ sign me up please :)


Ark Morte Omega [Chaos]

Sign me up. I need some achievement fates :3


Neafys Ts'liches Phantom [Chaos]

Sign me up please :)


Maral Kha Ragnarok [Chaos]

Hi ! I'm interested, can I join ? :)


Axel Vinther Cerberus [Chaos]

Im interested, sign me up


Zion Dread Cerberus [Chaos]

I want join


Lunalesca Caelestia Louisoix [Chaos]

I want join plz


Risa Crozure Phantom [Chaos]

Hello please add me to this cwls


Haru Yipa Moogle [Chaos]

Hello, I want to join if there is any room left :)


Eilis Browne Sagittarius [Chaos]

Hello. I would like to join if possible.


Susie Pomko Moogle [Chaos]

I love hunting ! Can i join ?


Kitty Kittkitt Omega [Chaos]

Hello, I'm interested, invite pls!


Saint Zilyana Louisoix [Chaos]

Hello. I would like invite if possible.


Spooner Blakhart Moogle [Chaos]

hi, sign me up pls :)


Alixey Callis Ragnarok [Chaos]



Zlu El'akha Cerberus [Chaos]

Sign me up please)


Ashen Rosfield Phoenix [Light]

I'd love to join :)


Fythr Huskaris Sagittarius [Chaos]

It's possible to join you ?


Fythr Huskaris Sagittarius [Chaos]

How to join you ?


Black Pantha Ragnarok [Chaos]

Looking for a LS Hunts


Kura Zaki Phantom [Chaos]

Hi , can i join too please


Calliope Muse Cerberus [Chaos]

Hi, I would like to join please :)


E'loxe Rovho Omega [Chaos]

Hello! I would love to join


Cahelu Sol Twintania [Light]

Hi, I am interested too :)


Ita Chi Cerberus [Chaos]

sign me up please :)


Morgan Lionheart Moogle [Chaos]

Sign me up please :)


Yomora Shinra Moogle [Chaos]

hey can you please sign me up


Willman Snaut Phantom [Chaos]

Hi, would love to join!


Canelita Canelones Ragnarok [Chaos]

Sign me up, thank you!


Mana Skydancer Ragnarok [Chaos]

Hi, would you mind inviting me to the Linkshell?


Fukuya Harachu Ragnarok [Chaos]

Hi, new to hunts, would like to join


Threk Blacksteel Louisoix [Chaos]

Hi, Sign me up, thank you!


Supaken Mai Ragnarok [Chaos]

Hello, may I please have an invite? Supaken Mai is in-game name. Thank you!


Aeze Redzerg Sagittarius [Chaos]

I want join please


Hawktuah Thatthang Cerberus [Chaos]

Sign me up, pls, thank you!!


Raven Yonax Spriggan [Chaos]

Sign me up please :) thank you


Lealiya Trustworthy Cerberus [Chaos]

Sign me up please :) thank you


Sora Gremory' Phoenix [Light]

Sign me up please :)


Ruzgar Lelantos Louisoix [Chaos]

Sign me up.


K'lyhhia Vora Spriggan [Chaos]

Sign me up, pretty please


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