Welcome to the Community Finder!

Search for new friends, linkshells, and free companies
to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

Using the Community Finder

  • Step 1

    Find a Community

  • Step 2

    Contact the Recruiter

  • Step 3

    Join and Make Friends

  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Recruiting UwU Members



Active Hours
0:00 23:00
1:00 23:00
Active Members


Data Center


Home World




#Super Friendly
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Player Events
#Socially Active

Are you looking for friends? Shy to talk to people and want a friendly, chill place?

UwU FC is a casual free company that is open to all players, veterans and newcomers. Come relax, socialize, join in events and have fun and play the game at your own pace and comfort level!

We have a variety of fun events!
★ Mount farming
★ Socializing
★ FC Social events
★ treasure maps

★ 24/7 XP and teleport buffs
★ FC house with useful NPCs, summoning bell and crystal bell
★ Your own private FC Chamber (chamber cost by SE is 300k gil)
★ FC Chest that has housing items, minions, orchestrion rolls and more
★ Chocobo stables
★ All the help you want/need, you will find :)

Group Profile



Active Members




Primary language



Plot 12, 26 Ward, Empyreum (Large)

Estate Profile



Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]



Tearsofegirls Il Moogle [Chaos]

Hi Nines Tens,

Hoping to join an active and fun FC, open for raiding and all kind of content. Could I have a chance ? :)


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

We'd be happy to have you! :)


Giel Inor Moogle [Chaos]

Hi Nines,
Are you still recruiting? I would love to join :)


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

We are! Hit me up in game and will invite you right away :)


Community Member Tiffany Rose Moogle [Chaos]

Hello, is there any possible possibility that I can possibly join too?

Many Thanks!


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Of course! ^_^ I'll invite you when you're online :)


Community Member Hessvoid Tarver Moogle [Chaos]

Hello! I would like to join your FC :) Still recruiting?

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Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes! We'd love to have you! :)


Community Member Maluna Winters Moogle [Chaos]

Hi, I would like to join


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

We'd be happy to have you! :)


Community Member Ni Ksuu Moogle [Chaos]

Hello Nines!
I am looking for a nice, friendly Free Company for a quite a new player. I want to have new friends to play and talk with! :) Feel free to add me if approved ^^


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Then you'll fit right in with us! ^_^


Community Member Tweak Linguitics Moogle [Chaos]

Hello !
I am looking for a compagny for a player that come back after a while . would love to share some moment with people and clean some content, I am actually lvl 80 !


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

We'd be happy to have you! :))

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Community Member Tweak Linguitics Moogle [Chaos]

How Can i contact you in order to apply ?


Blob Mizu Cerberus [Chaos]

Hey, i would like to join. are you still recruiting? :D


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes we are! We'd be happy to have you! :)


Community Member Dogfeee Lmao Moogle [Chaos]

Hi, I wanna join a casual fc, you guys still recruiting?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes we are! ^^


Community Member Seroten Doom Moogle [Chaos]

Hello! i want to Join your FC. Do you still recruting?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes! :)


Community Member Ghost Blade Moogle [Chaos]

I'd me more than glad to join you guys! Seems like a lot of fun.


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

You'd fit right in with us! Glad you joined us!♥


Adelina Hallewell Moogle [Chaos]

Good evening, i would like to join your FC, are you still recruiting?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes! Happy that you joined us! ^_^


Xaynn Dafregue Moogle [Chaos]

Hello good sir, are you still recruiting?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes, and we'd be happy to have you! ^_^


Community Member Transcendent Pony Moogle [Chaos]

Hello there. I have applied in game and I hope to be a valued member of your FC. Helping where I can and being active


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us♥


Ombre Al'ear Moogle [Chaos]

Hey there! are you available to talk about your FC? cheers


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]



Community Member Sadboy Shinji Moogle [Chaos]

Hello there!!!
After I was part in a WoW guild for almost 1 year and was a well respected member even tho i didn't really speak with them due to pretty bad anxiety ( they disband unfortunatly [ RIP VENOM<3] ) I thought i give FF XIV a chance and I'm having a pretty good time playing it. After fixing my anxiety I would love to join a friendly and chill FC.
So when there is still space i would love to be part of UwU!!
Kind regard ya boiiii
(sry for bad english / not my main language)


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us, Shinji! ^__^


Acedii Renfri Moogle [Chaos]

Hey, recently started and it would be great if I could join your fc :D


Community Member Khendal Darkbender Moogle [Chaos]

Yo, wassup?
I've been always keen to play this game thoroughly ( I love it ), and after years I've finally been able to get back at it. Discovered this recruiting system quite recently, I'd be really open to get to know new people in-game and do activities together ^^


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

We'd be happy to have you! ^_^

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Pexemouti Maxamouti Moogle [Chaos]

Hi there, how would one go about applying for an invite ? im new to the game so i have no clue how FC's work :P


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Hi! I have sent you an invite :)


Pexemouti Maxamouti Moogle [Chaos]

i cant find the invite :/


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Will try to invite you again when you're online :)


Alfred Kobylka Moogle [Chaos]

Hello Nines,
I'm looking for FC and I would like to join yours. Are you still recruiting new members?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Hey Alfred! Yes we are and we'd be happy to have you ^_^


Alfred Kobylka Moogle [Chaos]

Cool, can I get an Invite?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Will try to invite you when you're online :)


Alfred Kobylka Moogle [Chaos]



Community Member Eon Black Moogle [Chaos]

Hey I just left my FC a few weeks ago, as all the ppl i played with had quit the game in a short spand of time, so I feeled more or less alone everytime i logged in. I am looking for a new FC, with active players, and hope that you have room for me.
I am a active hunter, so I am jumping among the servers, so I might be on one of the other servers in short periodes of time.
Eon Black

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Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Hey Eon! We'd be happy to have you!♥
I tried to search for you but you're either offline or on another as you mentioned :) I'll search again, and also if you find any UwUs, just join the FC ^_^


Community Member Eon Black Moogle [Chaos]

Was shortly offline, so i could see my wife playing her new game :)


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us♥♥


Community Member Rasu Aqua Moogle [Chaos]

Hello Sir Nines,
are you still recruiting? I was looking for a FC and saw you guys in Limsa Lominsa xD, and I would like to join you.


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Oh Rasu! Just saw this! Glad you joined us buddy♥♥


Community Member Typical Hobo Moogle [Chaos]

Hi Nines Tens,

Are you still recruiting? Would love to Join. New to the game, but have been playing MMO's for quite a while.


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Welcome, Typical! :))


Winter Rain Moogle [Chaos]

Hello! I'm wondering if you have a spot for a friendly player, looking for an active social FC? Thank you :)


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us! ^_^


Hideki Akutagawa Moogle [Chaos]

Hey! Are you still recruting? I'm currnetly searching for a FC I would love to join yours!


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us, Hideki! ^_^


Community Member Rurulito Pirulito Moogle [Chaos]

Hey! Wassup? Are you still looking for new members?
I would like to join :)


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

we'd be happy to have you! :))


Aru Comfy Moogle [Chaos]

Hey there, I'd love to join if that's okay!
I enjoy helping others and socialising (although I am shy) :D


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Hey Aru!
Will send you an invite when you're online ^_^

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Community Member Mountain Carver Moogle [Chaos]

Hey UwU!
I am seeking for place to stay as my last FC became full of skeletons!! D:<


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

We have skeletons as well!
JK, we'd be happy to have you ^_^


Community Member Mia Urahara Moogle [Chaos]

Hi Nines Tens,

Are you still recruiting? I Would love to Join. I'm new to the game, but highly motivated, and i have been playing MMO's for quite a while.

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Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us Mia :))


Community Member Little Blackthorn Moogle [Chaos]

I would love to join if you're still recruiting. ty:)


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

We'd love to have you!♥


Community Member Strife Zero Moogle [Chaos]

Hi are you still recruiting? I would love to join if you are


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

we'd love to have♥


Community Member Gorka Shiro Moogle [Chaos]

Hii I'm looking for an active FC, I'm a returning player and my last FC died soo I would love to join


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

we'd love to have you :))


Akagi Abumi Moogle [Chaos]

Hey me and my GF Abunni Abumi would like to join up if we can? :)


Community Member Keiho Abumi Moogle [Chaos]

Sorry used wrong character on last one haha ^ its this character + my GF if possible.

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Kena Arklight Cerberus [Chaos]

Hello, I'd be interested would it be possible to join ?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

We'd be happy to have you :)


Community Member Yuyudoga Rorodoga Moogle [Chaos]

hi may i join?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Of course! :))


Enphyr Oshiro Phoenix [Light]

Hi! I would like to be able to join you. I'm currently new and don't know much about the game, but I would like to find people to play and interact with


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

You'd fit right with us, Enphyr! :)


Enphyr Oshiro Phoenix [Light]

Thanks for that! How can we communicate so I can join you?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

I tried to look for you ig, but I just noticed that you are on Phoenix. :)

Sadly, you won't be able to join because of the server system, players can't join free companies from different servers/data centers :(.
EU has two Data Centers, Light and Chaos. Light has different servers than Chaos' servers.
Our UwU Free Company is on server called Moogle, and that is in Chaos data center.

If you ever transfer to Moogle, or if you need help generally with anything, I'd be happy to help :))


Enphyr Oshiro Phoenix [Light]

I have a Moogle character, the thing is that I couldn't talk in the forum (here) with that character's profile since it didn't appear to me. Now if he appears to me, you can find me as "Shizue Oshiro" without the quotes.


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Ah ok. I'll search for you, and whenever you're online with that character, just search in Player Search with my name and send me a /tell. :))


Community Member Nirv Nanaki Moogle [Chaos]

Hello. Do you still recruit? I came back to game like a week ago after a veeery long break, Would be happy to join any guild


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes and we'd love to have you! :))

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Community Member Barben Heimer Moogle [Chaos]

Hi! Are you still recruiting ? Came back after multi year absence but still new to all of this, would appreciate company while i'm getting my bearing and exploring the game :)


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes and welcome back Ghao! Will try to search for you (or you search for me) when you're online :))


Ruri Rori Moogle [Chaos]

Hi! ^^ is there a chance to join your fantastic group? ~


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

For sure. I sent you a message in game ^_^


Community Member Zinogre Shiz Moogle [Chaos]

Hey are you still recruiting?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes! I'll try to find you in game and if I didn't reach out, try to search for me and I'll invite you :))


Community Member Zinogre Shiz Moogle [Chaos]

Hey no probs, i'm online now - just tried to send you a /tell but think ur offline atm


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

I was. I am online now, will try to find you :)


Community Member Zinogre Shiz Moogle [Chaos]

Keep missing each other xD - on now


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]



Community Member Majitsune Atabuki Moogle [Chaos]

Hello i would like to apply, i'm a casual player but i really like this game. If it is possible :)
I'm french, i think it's also the opportunity to practice my english hehe


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

You'd be most welcomed! I'll try to find you when I'm online, but also try to look for me when you're online ^_^


Community Member Majitsune Atabuki Moogle [Chaos]

Can't find u in game :(


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Are you currently on Moogle or different server? I searched for you and can't find you either


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us ^^


Community Member Leslie Mikowa Moogle [Chaos]

I'm new, lookin at lots of stuff this game has to offer, lovin it so far. Hopin to join a nice FC.


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us Les! ^^


Community Member Farringdon Lutn Moogle [Chaos]

Hi, would you have space for an unattached adventurer, looking to join a social, active, fun FC?


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us♥


Community Member Penny Hawkeye Moogle [Chaos]

I am looking for a nice, friendly Free Company for a returning player. I want to have new friends to play and talk with! :)


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us ^_^


Fooz Foozyee Moogle [Chaos]

always online - pretty shy


Community Member Taurus Aldebaran Moogle [Chaos]

Hello, I'd like to apply for your guild. I am fresh-out-of Free Trial player, casually strolling through game and I am looking for some people to socialize.


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us ^_^


Community Member Ladycadez Tammer Moogle [Chaos]

hi are you still recruiting id love to join


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us ^_^


Scarlet Serenity Twintania [Light]

Hiya! hope you're still recruiting, Casual player here who is very into PvP and Treasure maps, would love to join a friendly and social community :D


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us ^_^


Weedyz Satijah Moogle [Chaos]

Hello, are you still recruiting ? Hardcore player, I am looking for a FC with bonus xp action for my second character.


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us ^_^

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Community Member George Vavance Moogle [Chaos]

Hello, i hope you still recruting ? i'm looking a FC for xp bonus and chill :p


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Yes! Will try to find you when online. If I couldn't reach out to any UwUs you see and ask them for an invite ^_^

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Community Member Deadly Bunny Moogle [Chaos]


I just bought the complete edition and transferred from trial to a full account. I am looking for a chill, fun and full of activities type of company and would like to join you guys! (Currently reinstalling the game, will be online soon) :D


Community Member Nines Tens Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us! ^)^

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Community Member Veldora Longwei Moogle [Chaos]

Hi : )
Looking for an FC, yours looks great! I'm a beginner and I just upgraded to the full version of the game, looking for a place to hang out and do extreme trials with! Hope there is a spot for me?


Community Member Veldora Longwei Moogle [Chaos]

(if it looks like I already joined an FC, that's a temporary one with my friend! I'll leave it soon so don't worry, shoot me a tell and I'll leave right away, I'm looking to join this FC ! )

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Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us, Vel! ^^


Massi Nissa Moogle [Chaos]

Hey im a new player and im looking for people to join for more fun !


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

We'd love to have you! Drop me a /tell when you're in game and I will also look for you during the day :))


Community Member Foggy Blaze Moogle [Chaos]

Hey, I'm new to the game and would love to join :)


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

We'd love to have you! Drop me a /tell when you're in game and I will also look for you during the day ^_^


Community Member Ayame Daisho Moogle [Chaos]

Hi there!

I would love to join your FC as it looks chill and fun!


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us :))


Community Member Mike Knugen Moogle [Chaos]

I would also like to join if possible!


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

We'd love to have you! Will look for you and invite you when you're online. And If I don't, look for anyone with an UwU tag and ask them to invite you :)


Community Member Shakarr Tonarus Moogle [Chaos]

Hi im looking for a fc in preperation for DT and would like to join if possible


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us Shak! :)


Kamui Dogbone Moogle [Chaos]

Hey would love to join! Just came back after a year long break


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Yes! Will try to find you when online. If I couldn't reach out to any UwUs you see and ask them for an invite ^_^


Kaijuro Lillyfaun Moogle [Chaos]

Hi, I hope it's okay for me to ask but I'm new to the game and I was wondering if I could join? x3


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

We'd love to have you!


Community Member Nytz Wildman Moogle [Chaos]


I'm a returning player looking for a social FC. Please may I join?



Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us Nytz


Community Member Shy Wildz Moogle [Chaos]

Hi, I’m looking to join an active Fc - this suits my criteria
. I regularly do daily roulettes, hard dungeons, raids, dungeons etc.

Looking to gain more from my experience with the game and speaking to a big community of people!

Look forward to hearing soon.


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us :)


Community Member Azurae Lyonheart Moogle [Chaos]

Hi, looking for some new people and friends to relearn and relax with. I played from 2013 to 2019ish quit, returned for a couple months Jan 23 to do story but I've forgotten much and new stuff quite confusing. I lost contact with those I posted with long ago so I'm a lonely Old lalafell, getting on in irl too so anything fast and crazy it's hard to do these days lol. I'll be in game due a few hours most evenings and some of the weekends. Unless I'm working.

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Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

glad you joined us ^_^

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Community Member Vex Luthia Moogle [Chaos]

Hey, seen that you're still recruiting, i'm looking for an active FC to join, picked the game up a few months ago and i could use some help from more experienced people, let me know ^^


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

glad you joined us :)


Community Member Sarlux Fireborn Moogle [Chaos]

Good afternoon! just wondering if there is any spaces left on the recruitment drive? im super interested! i'm a returning player and looking for an fc to help me out and in return i can return the favour


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

We'd love to have you. Tried to invite you but I got no response :(


Community Member Sarlux Fireborn Moogle [Chaos]

oh no, i might have been away, im currently online now


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us Sarlux :))

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Community Member Ruka Moka Moogle [Chaos]

Hi, I would like to join


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Hey! Will send you an invite when you are online :)


Community Member Ruka Moka Moogle [Chaos]

I am online, now :)


Community Member Joycie Ciel Moogle [Chaos]

I am looking for an FC to join, if there are still spots available I'd appreciate an invite, thank you!


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Tried to invite you but you were afk


Community Member Joycie Ciel Moogle [Chaos]

Hi Caine, apologies I was working super late on the side, so hadn't realised, what time would be best to meet in-game?



Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

No worries at all. Will keep checking and if I didn't catch you, ask any member with UwU tag to invite you :)


Community Member Gogo Ura Moogle [Chaos]

Hi ! are you still recruiting ? i'd love to join (just finished the msq haha)


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Glad you joined us! :)


Community Member Ivalice Minku Moogle [Chaos]

Hi! I am looking for a FC to hang around and play with now that dawntrail is around the corner :)


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

will look for you when you are online :)


Community Member Gerbera Falmari Moogle [Chaos]

Hello Caine, I am looking for a FC, possible to join?


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

Certainly! Will look for you when you are online or you do the same :)


Community Member Elspeth Madwell Moogle [Chaos]

Hellllllloooooooo Caine! Are you looking for new recruits? :)


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

hey Elspeth! Will try to find you and invite you when you're online :)


Community Member Drusdran Shaoste Moogle [Chaos]

Hello everyone, I am looking for a free company to meet and chill in good company. I often see you in the capital and you seem active and, above all, very supportive. I am French but I can easily make an effort to speak in English. I hope to recruit you again <3. Maybe see you soon In game


Community Member Caine Camarilla Moogle [Chaos]

You'd fit right in with us ^_^


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