Welcome to the Community Finder!

Search for new friends, linkshells, and free companies
to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

Using the Community Finder

  • Step 1

    Find a Community

  • Step 2

    Contact the Recruiter

  • Step 3

    Join and Make Friends

  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Cross-world Linkshell

Recruiting Language-Exchange Members



Active Hours
0:00 23:00
0:00 23:00
Active Members


Data Center




#Socially Active
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Student Friendly
皆さん、Language-Exchange の Washu です。
Hello everyone, my name is Washu!

We hope that this CWLS will become a place in FFXIV where Japanese and English players can exchange languages.

Anyone with good manners (old or young) is welcome!

Please do not worry about your Japanese/English proficiency. There are many members who can speak both Japanese and English who will help with your studying!
If you are confused and have any language related questions, please feel free to ask anytime and someone will answer!


Since we have reached the CWLS member limit; we have created a second CWLS! Existing members who are highly active are also participating in the second CWLS.
From now on we will be inviting people to join the second CWLS (as long as the first one is full.)
CWLS 1 - 64/64人
CWLS 2 - 62/64人
Discord - 158人

The following is information related to the CWLS. Please read these rules before joining.

【募集要項】(Application Requirements)

【歓迎条件】(Welcome behaviour)
・友達を作りたい方!(People who want to make friends!)
・英日の言語交換をしたい方(People who want to exchange English<->Japanese language)
・互いの文化/歴史に興味がある方(People who are interested in other people's history/culture.)

【非推奨行為】(Unwelcome behaviour)
・出会い目的(Do not flirt with/try to pick up other people)
・誹謗中傷/ハラスメント行為(Do not slander or harass others)
・過度なストーリにおけるネタバレ行為(Please do not excessively spoil the game/storyline.)
※これらの行為は見つけ次第ban対象となります。(If you engage in any of these behaviours you will be banned.)

【主要イベント】 (Major Events)
・デイリールーレット(Daily Roulette)
・トレジャーハント(Treasure Hunting)
・高難度コンテンツ(少々)(A little bit of high difficulty content.)
・トークイベント(トークイベントはすべて聞き専でも大丈夫!)(Talking Events - If you are too shy to speak you can join the event to practice listening!)

- 金曜日: 早朝英会話 (Friday: Early morning English Chat)

- 金曜日: ランダムイベント(Friday: Random Events)
Latest events include karaoke, blue mage skill collection, etc.

- 土曜日: 異文化交流イベント(Saturday: Cross-Cultural Exchange Event)
On Saturdays, English and Japanese members meet to ask questions about language/grammar, culture, or customs from other countries!

- 日曜日: 勉強会イベント(Sunday: Study Group Event)

For event details: Please check the Discord Events page.
Feel free to participate in any event that interests you! Due to time differences it can be difficult to coordinate a perfect time to play with everyone, so please join in on the festivities whenever you come online!

【参加方法】(How to join)
Please send a /tell to any of the three people below. *The approximate login time is written in parentheses.
・/tell Wawashu Washu@Fenrir 英語/日本語 [English Native](7:00 ~ 18:00 EST)
・/tell Emily Crown@Fenrir 日本語/英語 [Japanese Native](平日: 19:00 ~ 22:30 JPT、土日 : 15:00 ~ 24:00 JPT)
・/tell Vivian Dotharl@Fenrir 英語 [English Native](8:00 ~ 11:30 PST, 20:00 ~ 23:30 PST)

【VCツール】(Voice Chat/Online/Offline Chat)
・Discord Server: https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! We look forward to meeting you!❤

Group Profile



Active Members


Primary language

Japanese / English


Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]




Community Member Emily Crown Fenrir [Gaia]



Community Member Azrael Heavenlight Ifrit [Gaia]

Hi! I would like to join you guys!


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Wonderful! Please feel free to send my character or Emily Crown a message when you are next online. We will gladly invite you when you are next available! ♥

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Community Member Zakita Gonta Ridill [Gaia]

I'm English learner. So I would like to join this group.
I'll send you a chat when I'm next online.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

We look forward to meeting you! Please feel free to send a message to Emily Crown or Wawashu Washu ! ♥

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Community Member Botan Oshidari Durandal [Gaia]

Hi! ?
I want to make friends, so I want to join this community! Can I do it?


Community Member Emily Crown Fenrir [Gaia]

HI Botan Oshidari!
Please feel free to send amessage to Emily Crown or Wawashu Washu!
We look forward to meeting you!


Community Member Hand Hand Durandal [Gaia]

Hello! I'm a beginner and I'd like to join this community! Because I didn't have many friends in this game;(
I can speak both English and Japanese! It's a little bit nervous for leaving the comment here lol
I'll send you a chat latter, thanks for reading the message!


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

No need to be nervous! We are always looking for more friends! ♥
We look forward to meeting you! Please feel free to send a message to Emily Crown or Wawashu Washu ! ♥


Community Member Hand Hand Durandal [Gaia]

Sorry for leaving the message again, but Idk why I can't send message in the game ;( I used the DM command but it told me I can't send it.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Oh! I think I know why! You need to be on the Fenrir server in order to send a message to someone from Fenrir. Both Emily Crown and I play in Fenrir. You can go to a major city's Aetheryte and choose a different "world" to visit. If you visit Fenrir you should be able to message either Emily Crown or I, depending on who is online! If that still doesn't work please let me know and I will try to find you on Durandal.


Community Member Hand Hand Durandal [Gaia]

Thank you for replying and so detail !! I'll give it a try tomorrow!


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

No problem. I am always happy to help! I am so glad that it worked! ♥


Community Member Klepon Yuyu Tiamat [Gaia]

Hi! would like to join. i speak English abit. i will send message to you later in game.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! That is wonderful! We look forward to meeting you! Please feel free to send a message to Emily Crown or Wawashu Washu ! ♥


Community Member Fern Astler Durandal [Gaia]

Hello, I'm a new English speaking player, and I would love to join your linkshell. I've tried messaging both Wawashu Washu and Emily Crown but my messages can't be sent. Is it possible for one of you to invite me? Thank you!


Community Member Leira Eryut Durandal [Gaia]

Hi! I'm Leira from this CWLS. Please let me send my message to you in the game.


Community Member Martin Whitehall Chocobo [Mana]



Community Member Emily Crown Fenrir [Gaia]

問題ないですよ~! 英語/異文化交流に興味がある方ならぜひぜひ!


Community Member Martin Whitehall Chocobo [Mana]



Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

I apologize for the inconvenience! I have updated the Discord link. We look forward to meeting you!


Community Member Philosius Borel Ifrit [Gaia]

Hi I would like to join ! I will send you tell message in the game. By the way the Discord link seems unavailable.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

I apologize for the inconvenience. I set the Discord link to never expire, but it appears to have a mind of it's own! I have updated it again.
We look forward to meeting you! Please feel free to send a message to Emily Crown or Wawashu Washu in game! ♥


Community Member Emily Crown Fenrir [Gaia]


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Community Member Passion Grace Ridill [Gaia]



Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

We look forward to meeting you! Please feel free to send a message to Emily Crown or Wawashu Washu on the Fenrir Server! ♥


Falamyuu Falaskia Durandal [Gaia]

Hello, I am on Durandal and would love to join.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

That sounds great! We look forward to meeting you! Please feel free to send a message to Emily Crown or Wawashu Washu on the Fenrir Server! ♥


Falamyuu Falaskia Durandal [Gaia]

I do not have a character on Fenrir. Do you have anyone in Durandal server?


Falamyuu Falaskia Durandal [Gaia]

I do not have a character on Fenrir. Do you have anyone in Durandal server?


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

You need to be on the Fenrir server in order to send a message to someone from Fenrir. Both Emily Crown and I play in Fenrir. You can go to a major city's Aetheryte and choose a different "world" to visit. If you visit Fenrir you should be able to message either Emily Crown or I, depending on who is online! If that still doesn't work please let me know and I will try to find you on Durandal.


-- -- ----

Hello. I transfered my two characters to Fenrir to join the LS.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Wonderful! We cannot wait to play with you! ♥

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Community Member Sherry Ximenez Alexander [Gaia]

Hi, I'm interested in this CWLS and would like to join.
I could not find you in the FF14 today, so I would like to leave my comment here.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

I am so sorry we missed you! We just returned from doing treasure maps!
Please feel free to join our Discord and we will add you to the CWLS as soon as you are next online! We look forward to meeting you!


Leon Redfield Tiamat [Gaia]

Hello! I'm a Japanese learner and am looking for Japanese friends to language exchange and play with!
I'm also interested in taking on old high-end content with level sync!

(Edited)  -

Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Wonderful! Let's have a lot of fun learning and playing together! ♥


Shadow Clide Alexander [Gaia]

こんにちは! 英語を学べるFCを探していたら

Dear sir.

I wished i could play something games while i learn ENG, And finally
I founded this great FC.
I'm a JP-student & I'm Beginner not even the main quests has been completed yet..
Also my English skill is perhaps not good *thats y I wanted to learn.
But I'm interested for this FC.
If all in all no problems for Join to the FC, I want to Join!
Yours faithfully

Shadow Clide.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Good evening! I apologize for the long delay!
That sounds wonderful! You are more than welcome to join us~!
Please feel free to message Wawashu Washu, Emily Crown or Vivian Dotharl on this Fenrir server. We will invite you as soon as we receive your message!
Please feel free to also join the Discord as well, we often having speaking/listening events and have many free resources available to you for learning English. ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9


Ronald Wolfz Ifrit [Gaia]

Good afternoon. This is my first time to play FF14. also really enjoy to play this time everytime. you have the great Free Company here. Hope to join in your FC, thanks you so much.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Thank you so much for your interest! Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to both the FC and CWLS! ♥ We look forward to meeting you!
Please feel free to join the Discord as well! Discord is where most of our events and offline chatting happen. https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9


Community Member Mylene Ludwig Ifrit [Gaia]



Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Wonderful! Let's have a lot of fun learning and playing together! ♥


Community Member Aoi Ichigo Ridill [Gaia]


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Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

That is perfectly okay! There are many members of our community who are studying both English and Japanese at the same time.
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥
We look forward to meeting you!


Community Member Kim Vodka Ifrit [Gaia]

Hello Aoi,
Nice to meet you, Im same with you, I can speak cantonese/english, join us <3


Community Member Aoi Ichigo Ridill [Gaia]


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Milo Vagrante Ifrit [Gaia]

My name is Milo Vagrante, and I am interested in joining your Language-Exchange cross-world linkshell. I would like to practice my Japanese language skills while making new friends and experiencing the game together.


Community Member Emily Crown Fenrir [Gaia]



Shadow Clide Alexander [Gaia]

Salutation! I was just thinking if I can Learn Eng in Game, so now I'm so interested to youre CWSL.
I am a still Student, so that y I need to learn Eng... Study is should be FUN anytime, I think so.
so anyway, I want to joining your CWLS and i want to meet more friends. can i join?


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Wonderful! Many of our members are also students. We try to have as much fun as possible while also helping each other learn English and Japanese!
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Community Member Rakgnar Tiamut Ifrit [Gaia]

Hello! I am new to the game and I want to play with some new friends! I can speak English well but my Japanese is really bad haha (still memorizing all the katakana). Anyway, I would love to join your CWLS!! Thanks!


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! Many of us are beginners at either English or Japanese. There are plenty of resources and events on the Discord available to help with beginner Language Learning.
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Community Member Kanno Yui Ifrit [Gaia]

こんばんは、ゆいと申します。私は今日本語を習っています、友達からこのLanguage Exchange募集を知られまして、CWLS参加したいです!もっと日本語を話す機会増えたいです。よろしくお願いします!


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! That sounds wonderful!
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Mina Mi Bahamut [Gaia]

Im Minami.
I would like to attend the your CWLS.
I'm not used to speaking English.
If it's fine with you, add me.
I look forward to your response!


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! We would love for you to join! ♥
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Community Member Yama Scarlet Alexander [Gaia]

Nice to meet you!
My name is yama.
I saw the recruitment letter and was interested, so I commented.
I can't speak English, but I want to be able to speak it. I think it's an ideal place to be able to talk and make friends through games.
I can't speak at all, but can I still participate?


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! Of course you can join us! ♥ There are many members who are also beginners at English.
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Community Member Yama Scarlet Alexander [Gaia]

Thank you for your reply. I would love to participateI'll send you a message after playing FF14.
Thank you.


Ice Espuma Ultima [Gaia]

Hi! would like to join.
I'm a beginner at English.


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Wonderful! We would love for you to join! ♥
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Community Member Asuna Ilcannone Durandal [Gaia]

はじめまして 英語の勉強や、英語を話せるようになれればなと思っていたところ、貴CWLSさんの募集を見つけました。 全然話せないし、英文もわからないのですが、貴CWLSさんに加入して勉強できたらと思っています。いくつか、CWLSについて質問したいのですが『大体のログイン時間』にTELLを何度かしてみてるのですがつながりません。根気よくTellしてみたらよいのでしょうか?


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Thank you for your interest! I am sorry! It is possible that we were offline or inside of a dungeon/raid.
Please try to message us again the next time you are online (I will also be online today for several hours.)
Please feel free to also join our Discord if you have trouble contacting us again~! ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you! ♥


Community Member Emily Crown Fenrir [Gaia]

Asunaさん、初めまして、申し訳ないです最近パンデモ4層攻略でMana出張してしまっていて対応できてませんでした。 つきまして次回のログイン時間教えていただけましたらその時間に対応いたします。


Community Member Asuna Ilcannone Durandal [Gaia]

本日、ちょっと体調次第になってしまいますが、JPT 16:50~22:00
つながらなかった場合、平日ですと19:00~23:00の間にいると思います。 土曜、日曜日は20:00~23:00(例外あり)かと思います


Community Member Emily Crown Fenrir [Gaia]

( ̄▽ ̄)ゞラジャ!

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Line Eystad Ultima [Gaia]

Hello, can I still join?
I'm Japanese and I'm studying English.My English is still bad, but I'd be happy if I could be your friend.
You can contact me from around 20:00 JPT on working days, or in the morning on non-working days.
thank you



Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! We would love for you to join! ♥
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!

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Kodanya Koda Tiamat [Gaia]





Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! We are always recruiting, and would love for you to join! ♥
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Kodanya Koda Tiamat [Gaia]

Washu san

Thankyou! and now I joined Discord!
I will tell you in my next FF14


Mira Sarasoja Ifrit [Gaia]



Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! We would love for you to join! ♥
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Yukinko Korori Fenrir [Gaia]



Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Please do not worry about your English abilities! We have many beginners and also many people who are willing to help you learn! We would love for you to join! ♥
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!

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Lady Rose Durandal [Gaia]

hello I bought the game a week ago, im very new to the game and would like to join the community if possible :)


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Thanks for joining the community today! Let's do our best to improve our Japanese/English while enjoying FFXIV! ^^


Reiki Yuno Gungnir [Elemental]

Hi. I’m a newbie and am in a different DC but would like to join this wonderful CWLS if possible. I love to interact internationally through playing video games. I know it will be hard to travel DC once DAWNTRAIL starts, but I’d love to come visit Gaia sometimes if it is not a problem for me to join. If it’s for only Gaia, Can I join discord?


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Being on a different DC is no problem at all! We have several members who are also from different DCs who join our in game or Discord events. We would love for you to join! ♥
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Belmond Hena Alexander [Gaia]



Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! Of course you can join us! ♥ We have are many members who are also beginners at English.
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Olivia Macgarden Ifrit [Gaia]



Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! Of course you can join us! ♥ We have are many members who are also beginners at English.
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


Gustav Ross Lamia [Primal]

hay, it would be nice to join! i can teach spanish too if anyone wants to learn btw
how can i join? ;D


Community Member Wawashu Washu Fenrir [Gaia]

Howdy! That sounds wonderful! We have a channel on Discord dedicated to learning languages outside of Japanese or English as well. ^^
Please feel free to message Emily Crown, Vivian Dotharl or I (on the Fenrir Server) when we are next online and we will invite you to the CWLS! Please feel free to also join our Discord, as that is where most of our events and offline conversations happen~ ♥ https://discord.gg/J5R6ERcqH9
We look forward to meeting you!


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