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Entry 4: Locations of Interest

In all of Eorzea, at current, Mor Dhona has to be my favorite. The glowing night crystals bother me, though. As bright as they are, I should not be able to see the stars at night.

It makes my mind wander, though. How close would those stars be if we can still see them under that much light pollution? Where in the universe would that put Eorzea? Is it possible for a planet like this to exist?

Ultimately, the answer is obviously no. At least, not with the magic and other physics contradictions that are out in the area.

But still, I wish I was in the age where we could travel to one such planet. I'm coming to the realization that it's unlikely for commercial planetary flights to be possible in my generation. But I can at least imprint this world into my children's minds to give them that goal and those ideas, to keep this possible for future generations.

My daughter named my Chocobo "Squeekers". :-)
Comments (1)

Jak Mind

Behemoth [Primal]

Thats so sweet. :3

/hug XD
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