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My Recommended Summoner XBar Set Up

Hello, I’m Maki. I wanted to share my summoner xbar for people who might be new to summoner and are not sure how to set up their UI. You can use it as is, or you can change it to fit your needs. Please keep in mind that this is intended for use in Savage or higher contents where role actions are necessary so if you don’t do savage you will probably want to adjust this layout.

With the latest rework, summoner is a class with excellent movement. We were already in a decent place before but now outside of ifrit you very rarely have to stand still while casting.

For me personally I find it easier to use the right side buttons and dpad while moving, so I have set my bars up accordingly.

Gemshine is without a doubt the most used move for us, and as such takes the △position. Ruin III is also a cornerstone of the job as our Baha and Phoenix attacks come from it. Originally I had the summon buttons with gemshine but after some testing I found while they were very common presses, it was easier to move around the field with ruin on the right side.

Astral Flow on □ also allows us to very easily activate mountain buster while moving after titans attack,and enkindle on ○allows for a very streamlined Demi phase.

In the upper bars(tap r2 twice) I have summon baha/Phoenix near searing light to allow for easy summoning after weaving searing light in the opener. Energy drain, swift cast, ruin 4, addle, and swift cast are on this side as well as they are common button pressed but not as common as those in set 1. On the l2 side I have potion(long cooldown) and situational spells, as well as aoe. In this remake, there doesn’t seem to be any need to manage your pet, but I had a lot of extra spaces so I included pet actions as well. You also don’t need physick of course but who know maybe one day it will be useful.

I hope you found this useful. Please feel free to add any suggestions in the comments.
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