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Huton Magic

Esercitare fare !

1.Vente magie (ss)
2.Ventare magiare (ns)
3.Wind Magic (g) (most base)
4.Vento magico (g)
5.Venta magia (r)
6.Venti maghi (c)
7.Winde magie (ns)
8.Windo magico (g)
9.Winda magia (r)
10.Windare Magicare (ss)
11.Wind magicare (s)
12.Wind magiare (ss)
13.Wind magie (ns)
14.Wind magico (g)
15.Wind magia (r)
16.Wind maghi (c)
17.Magic wind (g)
18.Magie wind (ns)
19.Magiare wind (ss)
20.Magicare wind (s)
21.Magico wind (g)
22.Black Magic (g)
23.Blackness magic (c)
24.Inkiness magic (c)
25.Malefactor magic (c)
26.Crook magic (r)
27.Outlaw magic (r)
28.Felon magic (c)
29.Criminal magic (ns)
30.Nero magic (g)
31.Nere magic (ns)
32.Futon magic g)
33.Magic futon (g)
34.Ventare magic (ss)
35.Criminal magicare (ss)
36.Criminal magiare (ss)
37.Dark magic (g)
38.Darkness magic (c)
39.Gloomy magic (ss)
40.Gloomy magicare (ss)
42.Gloom magic (r)
43.Sable magic (c)
44.Soot black magic (c)
45.Ebony magic (c)
46.Coal black magic (c)
47.Pitch black magic (c)
48.Jet black magic (c)
49.Crime magic (ns)
50.Gulit magic (ss)
51.Guilt magicare (ss)
52.Blue magic (g)
53.Blueness magic (c)
54.Azure magic (c)
55.Azzurre magic (ns)
56.Black Wind (g)
57.Wind black (g)
58.Blue Wind (g)
59.Death Wind (g) (most excite)

Anymore arduous ...
After that ”Probability theory”.
Maybe pensare 500 pattern over !

Matryoshka !

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