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First Penta Meld! Weaver's Trousers (HQ AF)

Completed my first penta meld yesterday! I know I should melding jewelry first, but I wanted my first penta to be on a piece with two default materia slots. No real reason why. I guess I was nervous or something.

Weaver's Trousers (HQ AF)
(Stat Caps: 1 Craftsmanship; 5 Control; 3 CP)

100% | Cunning III (CP +3) | 20k |
100% | Command III (Control +3) | 18k |
45% | Command I (Control +1) | 2.5k | 3 tries = 7.5k
24% | Command I (Control +1) | 2.5k | 1 try = 2.5k
14% | Competence I (Crafts +3) | 2.6k | 3 tries = 7.8k

Materia costs are based on the lowest prices I saw on the MB over the weekend. So yeah, I basically got it all done for just under 56k! Of course, I do realize that I got lucky with the melds.

Rest assured, I am prepared for disappointment. If there's a meld chance of 50%, I've told myself that it's actually 25%. But yeah, RNG is RNG! I look forward to the start of endgame crafting...
Comments (3)

Queen Pancake

Siren [Aether]

Congrats on finding such a good deal on materia! I've been bashing my head in trying to pentameld all of my accessories and Weaver gear. RNG is a pain when it comes to melding but it makes it all the more rewarding when it's successful.

Mailorder Cashmonney

Siren [Aether]

Thanks for the reply! Prices aren't so great this weekend with only Command III dropping to 18k once. Current lowest is 22k. I realize that only buying materia at the absolute lows isn't gonna get me anywhere since there will be multiple meld attempts, so perhaps I'll just have to go for it...!

Queen Pancake

Siren [Aether]

Thank goodness for the tiny dip in price. Earlier this week I blew threw about 300k gil on materia, ranging from CP IV to Competence I, and I was fortunate that half melded successfully.? My dream to becoming as good as Lord Razzle Dazzle is close to coming true xD But either way, materia and price suck.
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