

  • 13

A Late Puff-Puffing!

I'm a bit late with these pics but imma still post them!

1) Lexi came home and showed me her ultimate blob hat!
2) So... i went and messed with the puff-puff girls after i got my hat :P
3) We made puff-puff outfits!
4) Lexi changed her hair and we did poses with the girls for a bit.
5) Caught lexi at home after she changed her hair again for more cuddles xD

I got more pics still so I'll be posting more soon.
Comments (13)

Elari Relanah

Gilgamesh [Aether]

Maybe posting at 4am is a bad idea...

Amariss Kore

Malboro [Crystal]

They're great Elari! You do great snuggle photos <3

Green Dawnbreaker

Siren [Aether]

I want you to play like that with me : (

Elari Relanah

Gilgamesh [Aether]

ehehe thanks amariss! i love snuggles pics!

aww GL i played with you a bunch as the sultana :p

Illusiax Bittersuite

Diabolos [Crystal]

Nice shots <3. So cute ^.^

Brandi Barbrawl

Gilgamesh [Aether]

#1 I love how that thing jiggles around. #2 How'd you get into that pose? It looks like you're in a sexy conga line! #3 <3 Your puff puff outfit! You blend right in and it looks like all of the other puff puff girls are staring at you in amazement because you're 100 times sexier than they are. #4 Gotta tinkle? There's plenty of sand in Ul'dah. #5 So cute/Sweet. :)

Elari Relanah

Gilgamesh [Aether]

thanks bitter, clouds!
that's the /hug then e turning my head towards the camera in the middle of it :D
lol! i do look like i might need to pee, how embarrassing >///>

Bret Hart

Famfrit [Primal]

Hey I just thought of a great idea!!!!

They should really like make that into a new dance that you can get for in game or something?

The pee pee dance....

Elari Relanah

Gilgamesh [Aether]


Meteor Reign

Famfrit [Primal]

These are super cute pics! I love the hell outta that hat! I love to dance while wearing it. The way it moves!!

Elari Relanah

Gilgamesh [Aether]

yeah the hat is awesome!! its kinda scary though like its eating your head! x|



This character has been deleted.

cool pic Elari

Elari Relanah

Gilgamesh [Aether]

oh you like em? thanksss!
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