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Happy Starlight... ♥

♥... December marked the one-year anniversary of The Sanctuary. And it's worth acknowledging that during this time, the in-game Fellowship has grown to 400+ members, and 100+ ventured over to join us on Discord.

♥... I want to express my gratitude by saying, "Thank You!" Thank you for being here and allowing me the opportunity to share the things on my mind and in my heart with you.

In addition, thank you for being here for each other too.

Over the past year, I've witnessed the lighthearted banter, the supportive and encouraging replies to those in need of a pick-me-up, people jumping into parties, and I even heard about the heartwarming DMs people received from those checking in on their well-being.

I believe it's people like you that help make the Final Fantasy XIV Community so beloved and meaningful to so many.

Happy Starlight - My Fellow Warriors of Light!

Lotsa Love, Midori ♥



FC Recruitment Profile:

ps. If a Free Company isn't what you're looking for, I invite you to Join The Fellowship

in-game, go to: Social > Fellowship Finder > scroll the list for "The Sanctuary"
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