

  • 11

So Awesome!

It was so cool to see so many lodestoners at Ghost and Vheo's weddings along with all the awesome people in The Gimp List! One of the most fun moments I've had in game in a long time despite having 3 DCs during the ceremony lol

Congratulations Ghost and Vheo!!!
Comments (11)

Ham Jelly

Leviathan [Primal]

mmhm! ^^ i agree Ember it was awesome talking and being there with everyone from lodestone xD I'll be remembering this for the rest of my life

and congrats again Ghost and Vheo! ^^



This character has been deleted.

Yeah it was great meeting you all. Best of all got to monkfist my fellow monk bro! well Roe version lol.

Ham Jelly

Leviathan [Primal]

xD i shoulda monk fisted you Broden. monks my fav class :P would be on it more if i wasn't addicted to healing lol

Bear Ironfist

Faerie [Aether]

Broden and I also enjoy dabbling in the white mage. *Holy Monkfist*

Ham Jelly

Leviathan [Primal]

yesssss! *holy monkfist*



This character has been deleted.

*holy monkfist!*

Meteor Reign

Famfrit [Primal]

It was really amazing to see so many people there! We really weren't expecting so many! It was wonderful! Thank you all who could attend and don't worry if you couldn't make it :) I'm just to happy you though of us!

Bear Ironfist

Faerie [Aether]

I took some pics, but ps4 would not let me upload them directly to lodestone.

Meteor Reign

Famfrit [Primal]

I made my character her own FB page so I wouldn't have to spam my friends and family with game pics lol. Then I just yoink em and post em using my phone.

Yvon Maroni

Cerberus [Chaos]

congratz to you both! would have liked to have been there, will have a look at FB :) srry I missed it, GRATZ!!!!!!!!!

Yvon Maroni

Cerberus [Chaos]

oh and agree *Holy Flaring Monkfist* touch of blm there :P
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