

  • 2

Walking the Distance.

Did you know that you can Walk from the City State of Ul'Dah to the the City State of Gridania? And vice versa?

I would Recommend that you be at least Lv15 before attempting.

Its handy in case you started in Gridania and want to do the Dye Qyest, or what to learn one of the classes in Ul'Dah.

Unfortunately, you can't walk or swim to Limsa-Lominsa as its separated by water, a boat is required, and a license or 'form' is needed to use it.
Comments (2)

Sup Mang

Goblin [Crystal]

I started doing this around level 30, as many locations you visit are near the borderlands between Thanalan and The Black Shroud.

Shupah Ree'lah

Hyperion [Primal]

Once you're over level 30, you can really travel all over the world - although some paths are riskier than others. I don't advise taking a 'shortcut' through Imperial territory before the mid-40s.
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