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[SPOILERS 7.0] Overall thoughts on Dawntrail


Quite a while has past since the last time I wrote a blog post. Ever since I started entering the raiding scene back in May 2023, I've not been posting a lot on the Lodestone blogs, as I didn't really have much to say that I couldn't already discuss with my friends.

Due to the fact that my friends have always been there to lend me an ear, I didn't feel the need to write down my thoughts on whatever happened.

The short summary is that a lot has happened since September 2023 when I wrote my last blog post. In my personal life I have known love and loss in this time and in the game I have improved tremendously as a player, so much so that by the end of Endwalker I already had several clears of the first 3 fights of Anabeseios Savage, and was BIS on 5 jobs at the end of the expansion: WHM, RDM, SAM, MNK and SGE.

Over the course of 2 months before DT released I took to learning MNK as best I could all so that I could be prepared when (if) I become interested in Raiding. Truth be told, DT has not really sparked a whole lot of interest for me in the raiding aspect, mainly because everyone is scattered into their own statics currently and there's no room for me. I'm right back where I was in May 2023 where I wanted to join my friends in learning fights. I will admit that I feel rather unwelcomed.

I am still not yet sure how to go about the raid tier. Whether I become curious about them or not is entirely dependent on how I feel about the raiding scene and how I feel about being left behind. To be honest, I usually hate being left behind and not being able to do anything with my friends.

Another thing I'd like to discuss about my experience with Dawntrail was how I took in the story and what the result was.

I have a lot of gripes with it. Much like SB when I first experienced it, I don't have a lot to commend about the story itself. But while distance has made me appreciate SB more and more and has made me consider revisiting it via NG+, the disappointment that is Dawntrail has only kept amplifying after I finished the MSQ.

1. A lot of people have this gripe, I am definitely not the only one, but I do not like Wuk Lamat. A combination of her voice acting, her writing and her utilization throughout the plot is leaving me a really sour taste in my mouth.
She often gets compared with Lyse a lot, but honestly, Wuk Lamat has no fucking clue who the Warrior of Light is and as such she can simply make demands like "I want you to stay in Tuliyollal with me." No one anchors the Warrior of Light, the nerve of such a request when I heard it, I was like "Bitch! You do not ask my character to remain with you like you're a love-sick puppy. Elril is not here to serve as your errand boy!" But this is exactly what happens in the entire story. You just babysit Wuk Lamat, who has no clue as to what your character is capable of, what their motives and wants are and makes outlandish demands like this.

2. The quality of the writing for the MSQ has taken a fucking nosedive big time. Moments of levity in ShB and EW were a bit out of place but not unwarranted, but this story's idea of comedy is simply exposing how much of an incompetent idiot Wuk is. The writing is so simplistic and god awfully repetitive in what it tries to say. We have no Ilberd berating his countrymen's apathy moment, no Ardbert reminiscing upon his failures moment, no Fandaniel reflecting upon his own death or Venat recollecting the Final Days moment in here. Everything is as unsubtle as an anvil to the face and I do not like that.

3. The other characters get so little screentime. Wuk Lamat has 400% more voiced dialogue lines than Erenville or Krile and they are supposed to be reason WHY we come to Tural in the first place. Wuk Lamat just talks too much and hogs the screen an unhealthy ammount. It is also a contributing factor to my disliking her.

4. There is a crapton of high-quality, yet unvoiced cutscenes. I crunched the numbers. The Unending Journey for DT 7.0 MSQ has 145 cutscenes that have some form of dialogue in them. Of these 30 are unvoiced, that means 20% of all cutscenes with lines of dialogue or for every 4 voiced cutscenes, there's one unvoiced. They really cut corners with this story. A silver lining ith this is that we don't get to hear Wuk Lamat as much as a result, because you can be sure that she also hogs these scenes as well.

5. Not every piece of music in this expansion is a god-sent like a lot of ppl are saying. I love some of them, but others really miss the mark for me, particularly the day and night theme of zone 4 and the pre-MSQ and post-MSQ zone 6 music. I suppose that's the case with a lot of expansion music. Some tracks I like, some I do not.

As for the positives, I really enjoy certain music and some of the zones, especially Heritage Found. I enjoy the world building they added and some of the phylosophical questions that they are posing towards the end of the MSQ. But like I said, I don't enjoy how it was all executed.

I love how my character looks like with the updated graphics. It took me a while to get used to this new look of his and I did notice a lot of lighting does not flatter him anymore, however when it does. He looks just..... so gorgeous:

I enjoy the Dungeons and Trials. I enjoy the crafting and gathering sides, as always, seeing as I've never stopped being a fervent crafter.

Currently I am focusing on gearing my WHM and MNK to be be passably competent in doing the newest content and on crafting and gathering as I want to be there when the newest gear is available to be crafted! \o/ I wanna be rich :3

Well, these were my overall thoughts on DT. I'm not sure how often I'll come back to write something in a blog. I'm only doing so now cuz there's an emergency maintenance underway and I had the time.

Stay safe, my fellow Warriors of Light. See you from time to time from now on.

- Warrior of Light, Elril Moonweaver
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