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Themaitic Aesthetic

Welcome to another issue of my FFXIV blog, today I have a short dungeon run video, first playthrough of course! After that we are going to delve deeper into my character theme for this expansion, so grab another bagel and enjoy!

"You shall not proceed further." (for copyright purposes.)

"A Spectral Knighting"

What I would consider underrated characters early on are certainly putting in work now!


If you have payed close attention to my blog or have ran dungeons with with me previously you might have noticed I enjoy simple mechanics in the game that others might overlook or find "gimmicky". In the previous expansion running SMN main i would try to never wear my helmet outside of battle, equip when I register or enter the dungeon and finally pop the visor down during combat. These small changes add an extra layer of atmosphere and immersion for me. (As well as looking cool.)

Throughout this expansion I have been playing with a similar aesthetic. I decided to wear the Arch Demon Horns throughout Shadowbringers, but only when entering intense combat triggered by the evil in others. This ended up being beautifully thematic alongside the theme of this expansion as well as having wonderful synergy (visually and metaphorically) with the class I have decided to play as (DRK). This serves as a reminder to me of the importance of duality and the transmutation of darkness into light.

Well, that turned out a lot (A LOT) more introspective than I first intended, but hopefully you still enjoyed it! Please come back for my next post and let me know in the comments the small bells and whistles that make this game shine for you!
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