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For those farming the blog.


Good afternoon Eorzea! I hope you are having a great day and getting out in the real world now that it is warming up. Opening today is a screenshot using the /Gpose command. Trying out some of the features lets you make better screenshots than a default PC photo editor!

A couple new characters joining the fray, how did they rope me into this again?

Wasn't this the bad guy from Iron Man? Sure you want to get him up and running...

From the looks of the table these guys have been pretty stressed, anyone know where to get a stiff drink in game?

A solid character to have beside you when you travel to other realms.

"It's doing stuff!" or whatever Frankenstein said.

To end the blog today it's going to be a short combat clip of me over excitedly farming an item I needed for my disciple of hand.

Do you do all the farming for your crafting classes yourself? Straight to the marketboard? Or have a FC that helps you with it? Let me know in the comments and as always, have a great day!
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