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Home's Where the Homeys Are

After a billion years, our FC has finally gotten a house. It definitely feels like an achievement. There was a lot of impulse furnishing buying, haha. Even so, the house is still really empty and then I had to go to work, so there wasn't much time to plan for how the place's going to look.

The FC settled for a place in Mist. I wanted Goblet because the look of the neighbourhood is more exotic, like something out of a spy movie. But beach side property is a good close 2nd choice. It helps that another FC we are on good terms with has a house in the same ward, but they are all the way on the other side of the area. It would have been great to be neighhours.

I'm hoping that upstairs will be our sleeping area, so it ought to look as comfortable and friendly as possible. Then I figure the ground floor should be our living room, and needs to look as sharp and neat as possible, for the guests. It will need to have a bar. :) And the coolest place of all should be in the basement, where it shall be our WAR ROOM! And we'll put all our trophies and maps and planning tables down there to give it a hard edged look.

But so far, we have one table and someone's trunk we're using as a bench. :3 It's cold in the house so I needed a lalafell to warm my lap...
Comments (9)

Meowlyn Ktn

Ragnarok [Chaos]

Wow! Wish I could come see :)

Maki Aikawa

Tonberry [Elemental]

Well, I wouldn't recommend it right now, seeing as it's got college student furniture. I'll be posting more pictures as we personalize the space more.

Franchesca Ridill

Coeurl [Crystal]

So I see you have found "those" pants yet. :p

Maki Aikawa

Tonberry [Elemental]

After a while, one doesn't feel right wearing pants anymore... :-|

Yurika Huin

Gilgamesh [Aether]

Congrats! Our house is in the goblet but we got the Large sized one. Unfortunately the leaders don't care as much and a certain person is annoying me with their design decisions >_> So I'm just saving up money for personal housing in 2.3!

Tiffa Adil

Tonberry [Elemental]

grats. im skipping FC house tho

Maki Aikawa

Tonberry [Elemental]

@Heinz I think what I love about the FC house is that everyone can have a hand in it... I enjoy going into the house to see any changes. Perhaps their design sense is much better than mine!

@Tiffa Nowadays even a small house isn't out of reach of 2-3 active business people, haha. And the residential area is a much nicer place for crafting, I find.

Mei Delune

Tonberry [Elemental]

this pics really make me a sneaky lala Lol im always in your blog mahi mahi :3

Maki Aikawa

Tonberry [Elemental]

Mei is always sneaking into our house to steal all the food! :o
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