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Can't believe it's been a month...

A whole month now since Shadowbringers launched.

Time is flying and we're already up to Patch 5.05. The Patch that supposedly will fix that AST I got up to 80, and sadly put away after feeling incompetent in parties. Suppose I can't be too unhappy about AST's month of under-performing as it was the much needed incentive to give other classes a try. Machinist is so much fun, I can't get enough of it. Never noticed anything missing from the game before but with the way this class currently plays, I can't imagine the game now without it. It's like it filled a much needed void in playstyle I've been yearning for for years.

In the final moments before the server went down for maintenance, I also dinged Dancer to 80. Given, I mostly leveled it for this silly outfit. It's obnoxiously cute. Class is kinda enjoyable as well. Now that it's Tuesday, time to flex those button pressing muscles and see how these classes all play out at 80.
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Rave Etherion

Famfrit [Primal]

Xev! Long time no see!!!
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