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Hi there! I am looking for a 7.05 Savage Week 1 progression group on the JP Server.
VC & Alt clear 〇

A little bit about myself
Thank you for reading my post. I am Yuu, a tank main player who started raiding in 5.3 on the JP server. I play all four tanks in high-end content but enjoy playing Dark Knight and Paladin the most. Dragoon is my go-to melee role when needed by the team.

I enjoy spending time analyzing my gameplay and optimizing my skill rotations for every fight using replay footage and Excel spreadsheets. While I wouldn't say I am a quick learner, I am definitely a consistent and stable raider.

Something worth mentioning is that I am fluent in Mandarin, English, and Japanese. I hope this can open up more opportunities for my team and me to understand ideas and strategies from other servers if needed.

Raid Experience
●Asphodelos: Cleared in Week 2
●Abyssos: Cleared in Week 2, TA Rank 1 for Hephaistos II as sub DRK for Team Fried Egg (Patch 6.2)
●Anabaseios: Took a break
●UCoB: Cleared in 5.5
●UwU: Cleared in 6.1
●TEA: Cleared in 5.5
●DSR: Cleared in Week 6 (117 hrs)
●TOP: Cleared in Week 4 (126 hrs)

●First Week: 8 am – 2 am JST every day
●After First Week: 7 pm – 10 pm & 11 pm – 1 am JST every day for reclears
I have 2 alts for alt clears if needed. Voice chat is okay.

Please feel free to contact me via:

Discord: howardyuu
Twitter (X): @howardazs
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