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Ninja Job activated for second time!

Well, I've decided to give the Ninja another chance. Honestly, it was my first DPS job in the game, and although I never quite grasped the use of the skills, it seemed a bit weak to me. But, as usual, I've found an outfit that suits me well and is perfect for my main Ninja glamour.

Note the Jojo poses!
Comments (2)

Bayonetta Lakill

Seraph [Dynamis]

Im sure you will excel at the role 💪 and do in attention grabbing style 💋 i purchased that outfit specifically for the amazing miniskirt that comes with seem to have been short changed by the vendor or inadvertently forgot to put it on 🤭🤭

Sigrid Seren

Excalibur [Primal]

This outfit is very cool; I love the jacket and the gloves. The gloves look amazing with every other outfit. The skirt looks very good too, but I prefer some other leg parts ;P.
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