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Question about the GARO event

Does anyone know when the GARO event expires? After hearing about leveling all my classes and buying all their sets just to get class titles, that worries me, because I have to level up all my classes to 60!
Comments (4)

Lele Santoix

Lich [Light]

According to a moderator on the Forums, it will last until after Stormblood.
It's not specified if it actually ends, but considering that the achievements for the mounts are in the "Battle" section and not in the "Event" section it will probably stay for a long time.

Musa Thornton

Zalera [Crystal]

I sure hope so cause I'm grounded for sticking up for my wife to my mom though

Lele Santoix

Lich [Light]

Lucas Angelini

Ultros [Primal]

Thanks for the details, Lele.
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