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『Midnight Dues』Recruiting members for Hard Content

Recently, with the rise of new players and also there is a lot of FFXIV videos popping off.
I decided to start my goal of 'Clearing all the Extreme and Savage in Min gear and No Echo' before Endwalker comes in.
Been wanting to do it ever since I started back in 2019 of August when I first started but because I was in JP server and I work in Night shift. by the time, I can play the game everyone is already going to work and it was hard for me to find someone who's playing around that time so I decided to make an Alt in NA server where my game time will match with everyone and eventually transferred my main here

Updated: 11/23/2021

The Goal of Midnight Dues is to
【Clear All Extreme and Savage raiding in Min iLvL and No echo that's including 6.0 Savage Raid.】
Raid Progression:
We've already cleared all the Extreme Fights in A.R.R and Currently, progging on Coil T5 but once the 6.0 raid drop, we're gonna switch to 6.0 prog till we clear it.
After that , we're gonna return to were we left of last time.

How we're gonna prog on EW Savage raid only:
We're gonna blind-prog and clear it.
Since, It's a blind prog. All the members should refrain from doing any EW savage raid outside of the static till we clear each floor.
But once we clear the floor once , then your free to do that floor in random party or with your friends as the goal of the static is to clear it once without watching a guide.

MQS prog: need you to progress to unlock EW normal raiding when the patch arrive
so might be best that your at Shadowbringer MQS right now.
Level: 80 but 90 in EW when raid patch drops
although the content were currently doing right now is Coil of Bahamut which is level 50
we need you to be able to join us on EW savage raiding so I'll set the level to 90.

We can just unlock the trials that you haven't unlock and vice-versa.

Schedule : 2-3 times a week around between 0:30 to 3:00 AM in GMT+0 ( due to daylight saving of one of the members right now its 1:15 AM to 3:30 AM in GMT+0)
What day were gonna do it will vary every week as the schedule depends on everyone schedule for the week.
As of recent, We're mostly raiding on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday but sometimes Friday.

Skills: As long as you're willing to learn and try your best.
Everyone's speed at learning and getting use to each mechanic is different which is why I want to make this group. So that every time we queued for Content its not a full reset on progress.

MT: Gunbreaker. Teavan Yeung
OT: Paladin, Ruhpleh Eshkewl
Pure Healer: Astrologian, Jonas Deve
Barrier Healer: Scholar, Rai Zwei (Me)
Range: Koi Minato
Caster: Black Mage , Reox Liftgod
Caster/Melee/Range: Qawad Catlio

Hiatus: Summoner, Corazon Hayward

Please, be nice and have patient.
This is a Hard Content that will have a tons of wipe during practice phase.
If you're a type of player that quit after few wipes, I advice you to stay away from this.
Not everyone can play that well on the first go.
Any type of toxicity isn't accepted

You can msg me in Discord or in game or leave a comment down below.

Discord: Rai Zwei#7121
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