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Gobbiebag Treasures is recruiting!

Who we are:

We’re a ragtag group of people who all come from a variety of backgrounds & have a variety of careers, family lives, and hobbies! Having fun and being casual/social is what we pride ourselves for and that’s just how we play. Most of us have met through FF14 and may or may not have previous MMO experience.

What we’re about:

We enjoy running old content whether it’s for mounts, achievements, titles, or just for clears. We’re currently prepping to do some of the new Bozja Relic content when it comes out as well as weekly mount/maps/dungeon farming. We love helping new and returning players catch up and get to the good stuff! When someone gets that mount that’s been eluding them or just having some other nice people to help speed along your duty finder queues, that’s what we enjoy! We’re also couple friendly, with a lot of couples regularly playing together! Roulettes, primals, map parties, etc! We do have a few Endgame Raiders, but they do that on the side. Not many of us have time or the energy to put forward towards savage raiding. Our endgame is taking care of each other. ^^b Furthermore, we don’t always want to play FF14 do we?! Well some do. The point is we also play other games! Xbox, PS4, and PC friendly! Always looking for more ways to interact with one another!

FC Features:

The FC currently has a Medium sized house located in the 3rd Ward of The Mists, plot 60. Right on the beach and close to the markets and summoning bells! Several of our members have even purchased their own personal housing down the street from the main FC! We are Rank 30 and have 3 airships, and 2 submarine. Working on getting the rest up to date! We have gardens available for use and of course chocobo stables for your favorite chickens! We supply glamour prisms, dyes, chocobo fodder/dye as well to our members. We will also craft gear for you on request if you need help gearing up a job or just trying to reach that next ilevel for a dungeon! We of course have FC buffs up 24/7 and they are usually EXP and Teleport. We will change them out as people need and plan on doing Gatherer/Crafter weekends and such the more members we get. We always have the FC decked out in the most recent holiday decorations and always looking for feedback and assistance/recommendations to how the house should look and be decorated.

What we’re looking for:

We love meeting new people and have met some great people throughout our history, going back to 2013 when we formed. Few of us have met in real life! We would like to find active players to populate our FC and Discord with. Life happens and people have to take breaks. That’s fine, we all have our responsibilities. Nobody will be kicked because of life! We’re mostly active during evenings and late nights during the week. FC members come from all time zones, PST, EST, even a few in Europe and Japan! Also looking for those who want to help build a more fun and social community! Anyone interested in helping organize events and prizes, please apply and drop me a message!

How to apply:

Firstly, you do it in game! If you see a member with the <GOBBY> tag, just apply through them! You could also check the Party Finder and Fellowship Finder. We try to keep PF up most of the time, and our Fellowship has gotten a lot of attention lately, but remember, we’re a Gilgamesh Free Company! Lots of love from other servers, but you can’t join unless you’re on Gilgamesh! :D We can still be friends though, no worries! You could also find one of our officers:

Akanea Tenryu
Mister Hawtstuff
Glacian Greensleeves
Acyroma Annihilisium
Vivi Zerusa
Exodius King

Finally, you can drop me a message via Discord if you’re checking this out at work or while doing something else away from game! My tag on there is Akanea#9251. Hope to hear from everyone soon! :D
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