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Im excited my first tier of gear is almost ready, just need four more levels in armoring, once im level 15 i can attach materia to all my HQ Bronze armor! Also only need four more levels to start makeing my friend Mitzy Meowza her leather gear, i forget the name of the level 15 gear that has materia slots for her.

With Materia i was thinking of filling the slots for my Gladiator with +parry and +vit, i know strength incresses the % of dmg blocked from parry, but i really want more health so i stay in the fight longer, any one else trying out different materia builds? All in all i really love the custom feeling of materia melding.

If my ps3 screenshots worked id would of posted some pictures!
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On my glad I run with 2 vit 1 parry 1 str if its a four slot gear on less slots I drop the str then 1 vit then the parry if it only has one slot but thats just me I would rather have more hp than be able to parry attacks

Maxximus Gold

Goblin [Crystal]

Nice, yeah that seems like a soild plan! Iv been putting perry in the one slots, but i like the vit idea more!
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