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Overcoming hardships

When we last left off I had been speaking with friends, a bit too much ale involved, and decided to go into Haukke Manor to take on Lady Admandine and purge the manor of evil.

I had shown up and my friends were no where to be found... Spooked I suppose. I came across a group of adventures from far away. We had no idea what we were in for... We made our way down the halls and the next thing we know we were surrounded... we lost our gladiator in battle... poor soul. We waited for someone to lead us to victory for awhile. We got down to Lady Admandine and our time was up... She was so close to death I was disheartened. But then a spark ignited in me and I decided to find more people to take her on. I found a linkshell friend who was an adept Scholar!

Now knowing what to expect I found myself laughing in the face of fear! I even danced on an old piano just to show how brave I was to these horrible creatures. Finally we took her on! Here she is!

And here's how we defeated her!

Afterwards we decided to take a relaxing stroll through the woods of the Black Shroud.

I think it's time I become stronger. I want to become a bard! I want to empower my allies!

Til next time!

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