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Counter Measure Against Harassment Accusations:

Definition of Penalty Points (according to Square Enix):
Penalty Points refer to specific point values that are assigned to each type of violation category (i.e., "obscene/indecent expressions," "aggressive expressions such as violent language/slander/insults/threats, etc.") and vary depending on the severity of the violation type.

In the notice of account suspension e-mail from Square Enix, they wrote: "Every account action we issue is based on conclusive evidence of a violation and is reviewed for accuracy."

Again, what obscene/indecent/aggressive expressions did I make? To whom did I insult and/or threaten? And why? For what?

It is ridiculous to accuse someone without providing any useful information, but simply carry out a "guilty as charged" sentence.

How can a player avoid any questionable behaviors and/or interactions, without being accused of harassment over and over again until he/she gets banned permanently?

I believe Square Enix owes me a clear explanation as this has truly been harassments against me, in which it has cast a shadow on the integrity of me and my FFXIV character, and has caused me mental and emotional suffering.

In an effort to refute future baseless accusations from Square Enix, I will be carefully documenting every encounter and interaction in FFXIV, and post a blog daily on the Lodestone site, to ensure that I at least have evidence to prove my innocence.
Sadly, it is unfortunate but a necessary measure to protect myself from an on-going harassments from unknown parties.
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