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Tips for Little Lady event 2018

Hi guys,
I saw some people having trouble with this event so I will write a guide here.

First, after you receive the quest at Uldah and reach to the point to do the FATE, you have to talk to the Lady next to Royal Lala to change your clothes. You can pick Blue, Red or Yellow. I choose Yellow. Here what's I'm doing to get the rewards.

When the FATE starts, you will see a bunch of npc crowd run behind you, they will wear Blue, Red and Yellow T-shirt and shout something. Notice their emote and rhyme. When Narumi (yellow girl) performs, the yellow guy will do 1 of 3 waving emotes. You have to use that emote on Narumi and match with the movement of Yellow guys. Similar to Ulala (Red girl) and Masha (Blue girl).
Sometimes only 1 girl performs, sometimes 2 girls, sometimes 3 girls. When there're MORE THAN 2 girls perform, you choose your idol or one of the girl and use emote. So not only Narumi performs, you just need to match the wave of npc crowd behind you. If you sync with the crow's movement well, you will get red aggro from the idols (they notice you from thw crowd!). The max reward I can get is 2 tokens.

That's all, very simple. Hope you have fun with this event.
Comments (3)

Lil Cairn

Masamune [Mana]

The most importantly is that you have to talk to the NPC Royal Handmaiden first and use the emote that appear on your hotbar 1 but not from your emotes window.

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Hydeus Cantatherust

Kujata [Elemental]

Yes, as I mentioned above, you have to talk to the Royal Handmaiden, not Royal Lala to change clothes and Attend the performance. Then they will let you to use 3 emotes on hotbar, not using the emotes from the quest reward you received from Royal Lala. This is similar to Christmas 2017 event.
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