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Valentione friendship

*dusts of journal*

Well, it's been a long while since I've written. Many things have occurred in the past few months and I've a lot of ground to cover out of memory. But first off I want to record a passage of time today.

I was in the FC minding some receiving documents from the fleet when I saw two things. First was an advertisement for fortune telling in the amphitheater of Gridania by house Valentione (ooc note: at the time of writing I don't remember the exact Ishgard house name; anyone who correct tell me I'll update post haste) and the second is my adopted niece--because I'm her adopted uncle-- Aurora.

She looked lonely and I wanted to do something to cheer her up. So I got an inspiration. I'd been given some leeway by Saskia to taking her places so I asked her if she wants to get her fortune told with me. Generally I'm not into them though I find them amusing. She was ecstatic and we booked an airship to gridania.

We made our way to the theater area and they were stationed and taking various requests from other couples. We got in line; I noted that Aurora was barely containing her excitement. The first reader of fortunes informed us that she'd read our wealth factor.

We have the needed information and with a swift draw from her deck... told us that there's no money in our future.

As we were walking to the second one she asked what that meant and if she'd be getting no further allowance. I explained that her allowance doesn't come from me but her mother. She seemed to accept that answer.

The second one explained that we'd be treated in our adventuring spirit connections. After giving data she drew a card... and told us that we're experts together. We grinned at each other as we've already had many good adventuring exploits before and likely have many more in the future.

The third person said she could read the depth of love shared between two people. Heh. We gave her the information she sought and with a flock of the wrist pronounced... we were meant for each other. The connection ran so deep that it was nearly palpable. Internally I laughed at this while only a bare grin passed over my mouth. Aurora was jumping for joy and proclaiming rather loudly that I was the best uncle she could ever have. I picked her up and hugged her, saying that we already were part of a great family. She slipped me a spare cookie of hers into my pocket.

At that point we saw the Valore family strolling by. Their young son of six summers, Jannus, was excited to see us. He ran over and Aurora asked if she could play with him for awhile. With his parents in sight I have permission. I got a link pearl call from the free company so that took my eyes off of them for a few minutes.

When a plaintive cry of displeasure echoed in the air I got off the call and rushed over to the scene. I found Jannus and Aurora walking away from the fortune tellers both very upset. I shared part of the cookie with Jannus and they explained what had happened. It appears that they had their connection tested and it came back very unfavorably.

I did my best to cheer them up and Aurora brought up the notion of 'besties'. I've heard the term and I emphatically confirmed that they can still be besties. They cheered me on and at that point Janina walks up to collect Jannus. We waved goodbye though the Valores said they'd watch over Aurora for me if I had other business to conduct. I said I did and they wandered off collectively.

Ah, energy of youth.
Comments (1)

Kahori Harukawa

Coeurl [Crystal]

Nice entry.
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