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Joe's Thr....ehh, 7/4 - 7/5


Happy 4th of July everyone!
And I'll be at work *sigh*

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Anyway, a good night at work last night, as they had me working by myself. And my hands (as a result of streaming Pinball all weekend, including Wednesday when I had to work):........ WERE FINE! My arms and forearms however, were slightly tender. But over the course of the night the tenderness went away. So, it looks like streaming some more Pinball over the weekend is another go (I still might forego streaming on Wednesday, but we'll see).

But after getting home and taking a nap I got going on the Gems of War (I also did the class trial for the "Archmage" class as well since it's a decent class, and you can use a decent team for it too) and Summoners War sessions, eventually completing them both.


Another good night at work, but I was practically sleepwalking towards the end of my shift. My
left and right lat muscles were hurting a bit as well for no apparent reason. And when I got home and took a nap it ended up being about 4.5 hours (and it still didn't feel like enough). So, definitely running a couple hours behind!

But anyway, I got going on the usual SummWar and GemWar sessions. Got 'em all knocked out, except for the weekend Faction Assault in Gems. I had STARTED on it, but I had to abandon the sesh since I was still feeling like shit. Sinuses were stuffy all of a sudden as well. Uh oh!

So, that'll do 'er. And from the above I might call in if the fatigue/stuffiness persists. Not really seaworthy right now. But, otherwise, <Take care>, everyone. And have yourselves a good weekend. ;)>

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