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Joe's Thriday Doings, 5/30 - 5/31


An awesome night at work (they had me working by myself, just the way I like it), but I ended up fucking up my lower back in the process, and it was pretty much nagging me the whole shift despite taking ibuprofin. I had to do extra work because the previous shift did an incomplete job. I basically had to finish their job in order to do mine. *sigh*

Anyway, I did my usual Gems of War session after my nap. Did the dailies, and then did some PvP afterwards. There was also a class trial for the "Priest" class, but the class is one of the worst in the game. And that's not to mention that you troop options really suck ass as well. Definitely gave this one a miss.

And later on I fired up some Summoners War, but I only did general maintenance stuff, mostly dailies. And it seems that weirdness_is_good ALSO plays this game now, and friended up with me. Awesome!


Like yesterday, a good night at work, but by the end of the shift my lower back, as well as my right knee (yeah, that's been hurting lately too recently), was stiff and sore. Made bending down a real challenge. Kinda ran a bit behind too and management sent help: A Pygmy person. And that's not an insult, he really is. He's an African who stands just under 5' tall. Don't see THAT every day! :O>

Buuuut anyway, did my usual Gems sesh after my nap. Did the usual dailies and stuff, which went honky dory.

And then things turned to shit however, when doing PvP. It was basically win some lose some, having bad RNG, bad gem drops, bad......EVERYTHING! Kept getting fucko'ed by my Wand of Stars weapon. I tried swapping the weapon out for something else, but I ended up in a situation where I really needed the wand instead. Just couldn't win for losing today. *sigh*

And I also played a bit of SummWar as well in order to cool out, but just doing farming runs (aka Repeat Battles) while binge watching some more Amoeba Records' What's in my Bag? videos (been on a real Amoeba kick lately) until I had to lay down.

Okay, that's gonna do 'er for now. <Take care>, guys. And have yourselves a good weekend. ;)>

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