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Joe's Weekly Weekend, 5/25 - 5/27


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Well, a real good Gems of War stream this morning. Kinda overslept a bit, since I'm not used to being off on Fridays. Oh well. And a fairly social sesh as well, with it being mostly weirdness_is_good and Delcun bringing the chat.

And as for the sesh, it was the typical stuff. I did some PvP for about an hour until the reset. And when the reset hit, I got going on the dailies. And we're just about done with the Tower of Doom event. So, that's one less thing I gotta fuck with tomorrow/tonight. And that left the awful bounty event. But eventually I got the event finished up, after which.....

....I fired up some Summoners War. And this time, the focus was on progression/quest completion. I unlocked a bunch of stuff, and some of it is guild related (joined one recently). So I'll definitely have much to keep me occupied in the future lol. Oh, and a new visitor named JuiceGrenade came by. Him, and his 15 or so friends. It was a raid, but I have a feeling all of his raiders are bots, as not a single one of them talked to me. I mean, I'm definitely not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but still.......

But, later on, I ended up with a WHOLE HEAPIN' of new music from all the YouTube music channels that I've subbed to again. So, I've just been listening to all that, seeing if there are any keepers in the whole lot (so far, only one :(>). I've also been playing some Vampire Survivors as well during this time, just doing some runs with various characters (mostly Simondo Belmont).


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Really good Gems stream this morning, despite my poor sleep (nightmares centered around a chemical plant explosion. Why subconscious why?!). weirdness_is_good, Delcun, and jayhotlaps would pop in and set a spell. dra9unx also came by, but if I understood him correctly, he won't be coming on as much, as his college finals have wrapped up. So, now he can go back to his normal sleep schedule, which means he normally sleeps when I normally stream. *sigh*

But otherwise, for the session itself I did the usual PvP in the "Purple" kingdom until the reset. And at the end of it all I'm "only" in 4th place. *sigh*

And once the reset kicked in, it was right into the dailies. And our guild has fully completed the Tower of Doom event, so I don't have to mess with that one lol. That just left the Bounty event, which went off without a hitch. And I went ahead and skipped PvP, preferring to just do it tonight before the reset, so I can..... some SummWar. Like yesterday, I focused on endgame runs, world bosses, rifts (KINDA works like rifts in Diablo 3), and so on. And a couple new visitors dropped by, sst3p, and later on hiro72934. And both of them seem to be veterans of this game, giving me all kinds of advice. Definitely helpful, what with me being new to the game and all. But, just kept on chugging away on that until I had to call it off for the day.

Watched an old classic 50s movie called The Day the Earth Stood Still. What a movie! Some real interesting eye-opening stuff. Feels like a bit of a percurser to that show Alien Nation, where the aliens could practically do our jobs and run our planet, and DO IT BETTER lol.

And it's also nice to see SIMPLE movie effects for once, and not be bombarded by CGI and not-CGI effects. Much easier on the eyes.

And speaking of Alien Nation......

.....I went ahead and rented it. I watched this movie many many years ago, back in the early 90s if I was to venture a guess. I'm about 20 minutes in. I forgot that this was practically an all-star cast! James Caan, Mandy Pantikin, Terrence Stamp (played General Zod in those Superman movies), Earl Boen (played the psychologist in the Terminator movies, did some stuff in World of Warcraft as well). But, some pretty good stuff so far. I'll have to watch more of it tomorrow.....


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A rather fabulous Gems stream this morning, with weirdness_is_good, kf6dbs, Delcun, djscrew361, and Lmartyr all coming by at various points in the stream, really helping me forget the fact that I didn't get shit for sleep (or, that is to say, that it was all dream/nightmare-filled)

But anyway, the stream itself was a pretty manic Monday. I started off with the usual PvP, doing that until the reset hit. And it's a brand spanking new week, with it this time the Kingdom of the Week being the "Whitehelm" kingdom, which is basically Tormville. So, got all dem dailies donesies. After that, it was time for the Raid Boss, which went pretty well, with hardly any issues.

And after that, I went ahead and did some more PvP. This new week is much better than last week, with no duplicate kingdoms, and two kingdoms where I can use my Gray King team, brown and purple. So, lookin' good so far!

And after that I got going on some SummWar while working on this blog post. I just did mostly repeatable farming runs since I'm not going to be able to micromanage the game for the time being (I'd do progression stuff later on though). And especially when.....

My YouTube music channels have dumped a whole bunch of albums on me once again. They're on a roll! So, been having to listen to a whole bunch of albums as well. But, like yesterday, I only found one that was a keeper. *sigh*

Aaaaand yeah. Still watching Alien Nation, a nice trip down Memory Lane. But what a trip though! Mandy Pantikin, going from Indigo Montoya off of Princess Bride to THIS movie. And Terrence Stamp, going from General Zod in Superman II to the main bad guy in this movie. Versatility indeed! But, I'll still keep watching after this blog gets put up, until I have to lay down.

So, that'll do 'er. <Take care>, peeps! And have yourselves a good night/day. ;)>

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