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Joe's Thriday Ehhhs, 5/2 - 5/3


Good night at work last night! It seems the night manager is on vacation this week (I think), so we get what is basically a substitute teacher this whole week.

But aside from that, I did a not-very-long Gems of War sesh after my morning nap. Did the usual dailies as well as the Journey event. There is also the weekly class trial, this time for the "Titan" class, but as I already have that class maxed out to 100 there is no point in doing it. And for PvP I just did a few battles and then called it good. It's just the red kingdom that's blood frenzied today (blood frenzy = enemies have 50% more stats, but give double the rewards), and I'm only doing the brown kingdom this week, the other 2 being red & green ie. I can't use my Gray King team in those kingdoms. So, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to do more.

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Started watching a good video about presidential elections in the 90s. It was done by the same people who did the story about The Minnesota Vikings, my home team. So, this is definitely not gonna disappoint. :)>


A pretty good night at work last night. Ended up dragging my feet towards the end, due to bad sleep earlier. I got home and crashed like an airplane for about 3 hours straight. Sheesh!

But anyway, I did the usual Gems sesh after all that, running the dailies and stuff. And there's no weekend events this time around, so like yesterday this was a short one. And there's no brown blood frenzy kingdom in PvP today, and I'm "only" in 6th place. So I just gave PvP a miss.

Played a bit of Vampire Survivors instead. But by this time I was starting to get groggy, so I just called it off and got going on this blog post.

So, that'll do it for now. <Take care>, everybody. And you all have yourselves a good weekend. ;)>

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