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Joe's Thriday Ugh, 4/25 - 4/26


A fairly bad night at work last night. Management was working with us almost right from the git-go, and it was pissing me off a bit. It's kinda like when a church usher sits next to two kids to keep them quiet and awake, forcing them to listen to the pastor's boring-ass sermon. It's been worse, but still......

So, needless to say, I got home from work tired and grouchy. And on top of that, my rent is going up about $50 this year. Not happy about this at all. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

But, anyway, after my nap I did a Gems of War session, getting all the dailies done. I skipped the weekly class trial for the "warpriest" class, one of the worst classes in the game, not to mention that you have an EVEN WORSE selection of allowed troops to choose from for this. So, not worth it. Instead, I just did some Gnome Vault runs. I also did a bit of PvP as well before deciding to call it off.


Called in last night, due to next to no sleep (stress, construction noise, as well as my lower back and sides hurting as a result). So, just spent most of the night napping here and there. I also did a Gems sesh, just getting the dailies done, as well as the dreaded weekend bounty event. Yeah, we got THAT again. *sigh*

And once I got all that squared away I jumped into some PvP, this time in the "Purple Blood Frenzy" kingdom. Won most of my battles, eventually landing me in 2nd place, at least for the moment.

And later on I played some more Vampire Survivors in between naps. And like has been going on lately, I've been running with Peppino, the killer tree lol.

So, that's gonna do it for me. <Take care>, guys. And you all have yourselves a good weekend. ;)>

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