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Joe's Weekly Weekend, 3/23 - 3/25

Friday Night/Saturday

Went ahead and called in last night. Got some sucky sleep, only able to get 1-1.5 hours in at a time. Not to mention that my left calf muscle wasn't really healed up enough, still a bit hurting on the left side of the muscle. And if last Friday was anything to go by I'd further tear it up with all the excess walking around I'd have to do. I figured discrection would be the better part of valor this time, soooo.....

Anyway, I played some Gems of War throughout the evening/night. I tired to get a stream going, but my PC crashed the very moment I started up my OBS program, so that was out.

And it's the start of Vault Weekend, although I wasn't really doing the event "properly". I did the daily stuff, then bounced around between mat farming and PvP. There's certain mats I'm trying to get. And once I've acquired them all, ALL of the troops I have will have been fully upgraded (there's a Steam achievement for this, I think)! Oh, and I did do some low-level battles too before having to get a nap in.

And then later on after my nap I just played a bunch of Vampire Survivors, mostly as Sammy, a gold-farming character (basically killing enemies drops gold, which heals you, and in turn does AOE damage), doing some runs. I really should be playing Gems though, doing some Gnome farming. But I didn't want to risk crashing my PC trying to start the game up. I'll just work on that during my stream tomorrow.


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.....And HOOOO boy what a busy grindy Gems stream this morning! Did a lot of Gnome farming, when I wasn't doing the daily dailies. Eventually it led to me having NINE Gnome-A-Paloozas. Lots of work is afoot! I wasn't able to do all of them though. I must've had about 5-6 hours of false sleep or something, as about four hours into the stream I was dozing off, big time. I took a nap, and then came back and did the rest.

And djscrew361 came by. Apparently he now has to wait until Monday to get his new Xbox. So I'm sure he's on pins and needles right now. :O>

And later on after the stream I played a bit more, doing some PvP as well as the last of my mat farming. So, I'm now completely done with mat farming, at least for now. The only ones I have left to upgrade fully are either ones I don't have yet or aren't part of any kingdom, so there's no rush to mat farm for these.

And later on after my nap I played some more Vampire Survivors, again mostly playing Sammy. I also played a bit of 'Bloons Tower Defense 6 as well, managing to get a co-op run in (It's pretty tough doing co-op, as there's a bunch of hoops you have to jump through in order to get a run that won't suck). And it seems I'm not completely burned out on rugby, watching a match or two. But, anyway, that's gonna do it for Sunday.


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Real busy Gems stream this morning, with djscrew361 and Delcun dropping by for a while. I started the session by doing the Gnome-A-Palooza I got yesterday when playing off-stream. After that, I did some Gnome Vault runs until the new week kicked in. And this time, the kingdom of the week is the "Karakoth" kingdom, which is basically Call of Cthuluville. After that, got the dailies done and then the godawful Journey event. Didn't commit too much this time around, as this event now sucks these days due to nerfs.

And after all that, it was time for PvP. And it seems this week is a GREAT week to use my CT & Bee team (in its various forms), as I can use it in ALL of the inner kingdoms. And as it's a team capable of one-shot kills, it's good to use even in a "blood frenzy" kingdom (and again, blood frenzy = monsters have +50% stats, but give double rewards). So, hoping it's gonna be a good week this week. :)> So, just did a bunch of that, where I'm currently in 1st place. But the week has only just begun, so I'm pretty sure I'll get knocked out of the top spot at some point.

And later on after my nap I played a little bit of Vampire Survivors, doing a run or two. But what I actually ended up doing a lot of, as well as yesterday (forgot to write this down yesterday), was watching a bunch of Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition fights off of Arcade Games TV, a new YouTube channel that popped up in my recommendations (all hail the algorithm!). Some good stuff! I shied away from anything beyond Street Fighter 2, as the gameplay got faster and faster, and more and more meters got added. But I guess the Champ's Edition is a good compromise. The boss characters - Sagat, Vega, Balrog, and M. Bison - were added, and gameplay feels A BIT faster, but not to where I'm lost. But I guess the best part is that few of these players look to be total pros or anything, with lots of close rounds and flubbed moves. A lot of them actually go the distance as well, fighting until time runs out. Most fights I watch last 30-60 seconds at most per round like, wham bam thank you ma'am. :/>

And ooookay! Time to call it a day/night. <Take care>, peepees! And have yourselves a good night/day. ;)>

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