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Joe's Busy Weekend, 3/16 - 3/18


This part was written quickly, since I been up since I came home from work due to having a bunch of stuff I had to get taken care of this morning, which I'll explain more of in a sec. And I still need to get a nap in, since I'm feeling like shit right now.

So, a not-as-good night at work this time. So much for my perfect week. *sigh* The star franchise player that I work with decided to call in, forcing me to work with a motley crew, as well as the managers later on. Got home pretty crabby and tired, yet I couldn't sleep because........

Did a Gems of War session this morning after work, but I kept nodding off during it. I HAD to stay awake though, since I forgot to do some of the dailies yesterday, so they just got tacked on to today, meaning I basically have to do double work. And for the Tower of Doom event the guild when on a scouting spree. So, like the aforementioned dailies, I had to do double work on those as well. And then came time for the weekend Faction Assault, which also took a while to complete. Then FINALLY, I got to do some PvP, where......

What a day! My two favorite kingdoms. I really got spoiled for choice today, where I can choose between two different versions of my Queen & King team. But you know what? It's still the green kingdom, where I can use my Archin' Queens team, that's still faster. And again, for those that don't know, every day two kingdoms are selected to be "blood frenzy" kingdoms, where the monsters' stats are increased by 50%, but you get double the rewards. But yet, it's still the green kingdom that's faster/more efficient.

Added Sunday morning, since I forgot to do it yesterday: And later on, I watched some more rugby. It's on the wane though, I think. Not into it as much. It's pretty much a passing phase for me, like lots of other things. I'll be really into something for a while, and then the novelty wears off and the interest wears thin.


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A pretty good Gems stream this morning. Like usual, I started with doing some PvP for an hour or so until the game reset. And djscrew361 came on and explained to me why some players get such insanely high scores in there. There's a certain team - I don't have it, and probably won't for a very long time. I tried making a ghetto version of it, but it doesn't really work out. I made a clip out of it though - that's so powerful, that you can literally win battles in just 2-3 moves. Okay, fair enough. But with the scores I've been showing in other blogs, that must be some SERIOUS no-lifin'! :O>

But, anyway, off the subject. After the reset I got my dailies done, without forgetting any this time lol. I was going to do the Tower of Doom event, but our guild has finally completed it! So, off to the weekend Faction Assault. Got that done, and then went straight back into PvP. Where it was mostly the "green" kingdom with my Archin' Queens team until the end of the sesh. Oh, and before I forget again, Keitaro87 dropped by for a bit. And weirdness_is_good also dropped by around this time too, where we talked about rugby and video games.

And later on after my apartment inspection and nap I just played some more Gems, grinding out some PvP but also doing a bit of mat farming as well. I also tried watching some rugby, but my interest seems to have fizzled out. :(>


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One hectic Gems stream this morning! Errrr, at least later on. Things went honky dory at first, farming up some PvP points until the reset. And it's a new week. This time, Darkstone is the focused-on kingdom. A kingdom that is basically Haukke Manor in FF XIV. After that, got the dailies done up. Then, it was time for the weekly Raid Boss guild event. And this has got to be the worst one I've ever done. A good chunk of the enemies have abilities that have to be planned for. I actually had to have 2 separate teams for this, something I don't recall me ever doing in any other event. And even then, I'm still having to swap in and out other troops as well. A very tedious event this time.

But once all that was done, it was off to do some more PvP. Oh, and I explain this stuff in better detail in the video above. Anyway, it got another update this morning. This time it's worse, as you can't actually FARM anywhere. In the previous version, all PvP kingdoms' teams were randomly selected from a player's roster, with the only exception being the "Central Spire" kingdom, making it very easy to grind them for PvP points, and experiment with different troops/teams. Now, ALL kingdoms consist of full-blown teams put together by the players, oftentimes with VERY powerful/extremely hard to get troops that could practically single-handedly win battles for you. Definitely gonna be a struggle now. But, anyway, I did that for about an hour or so before having to call it a sesh.

And later on after my nap I got a hankering to watch another one of my favorite sports: Sumo wrestling (and yes, I'm a weirdo lol). This sport is unique, in that I prefer watching just the highlights (in other sports I wanna watch the whole entire match, down time and all), as matches last less than a minute, followed by super long rituals. Plus, not many sports out there where OBESITY is the standard (the offensive line in American football is the only other sport I can think of). Most other sports I can think of they all gotta look like either bodybuilders or underwear models.

And okey dokey, time to call it a day/night. <Take care>, guys! And have yourselves a good night/day. ;)>

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