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Joe's Thursday/Friday Mehs, 3/7 - 3/8


KICK.ASS. night at work last night. My left calf is all but completely healed up. My lower back wasn't hurting much either. They let me work by myself this time, and not have to fuck with other people, especially lazy or brain damaged people, like has been going on for the past week or two (see Saturday), further causing extra wear and tear on my body having to pick up the slack. And it really helped me stay awake, since I could only get an hour or so of sleep at a time today, constantly waking up for no reason.

And I did a Gems of War session this morning when I got home. Went okay, doing dailies and then having an okay time in PvP, in which....

A couple guys brought their bots/buddies it seems. They got a score that I highly doubt that ANYONE ELSE, let alone lil' ol' me, is gonna catch up to. I fucking hate it when they do this, it's unfair to everyone else, especially when it's the only one of two ways to get gold marks (high-ranking currency, kinda like if such a thing as Elite Wolf Marks existed in FF XIV) in this game. Aside from that, PvP actually went pretty good today. Liking the new system. :)>


A not-as-great night at work last night. I tweaked my lower back almost right off the bat. So that put a real crimp in things. Plus, I had some real bad off-and-on sleep yesterday, so it was hard to stay awake the whole shift. I kept dozing off during lunch, it was that bad. *sigh*

But I did manage to do a Gems session when I got home. Got the dailies all wrapped up. And today's selected kingdoms on PvP really suck ass, only being able to field sub-par teams for these. So I figured, since there was that, and the Top 3 scores are pretty much unobtainable now since they're so damn high, I decided to give PvP a miss this time and focused on mat farming instead.

Otherwise, throughout the past few days I've been watching a lot of rugby, my all-time favorite sport. Just watched various matches at home and at work. Most of what I'm watching is a bit dated (2019 and earlier) but at least the fields aren't covered with ads. I hate that shit!

Okay. So, that's gonna do 'er for now. Gonna call in tonight, since my lower back is still a bit tender from Thursday night, as well as getting only fragmented sleep today, like has been going on the past few days. But anyway, <Take care>, everyone. And you all have yourselves a good weekend! ;)>

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