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Starlight Celebration Disappointment?

This will be my first Christmas here and I've been looking around seeing lots of people already dressed up in the various items from previous years seasonal events and getting all excited about what would be available this year and today the game finally told me.... and I went meh.

( )

I then went and actually looked up what was available on previous years and felt like this year actually is pretty much junk compared to previous years.

2013 (arguably the best)
3 complete outfits (santa, snowman, reindeer) including the obligatory santa hat that could be worn with other gear to give you that festive feeling
1 set of seasonal chocobo barding
5 different seasonal consumables

1 complete outfit (starlight, adorable and still worn by lots of people)
9 Housing items (I'd be less meh about these if I could get a plot)
5 consumable items
1 minion (ridiculously cute snowman)
3 Gift bags (these appear to gift you a random money/fruit/seasonal item on opening)

and now *trumpet sounds*
5 armour items that don't actually make up one outfit between them, 3 "hats", and a pair of gloves and boots and if you don't want to wear a giant santa beard you're restricted to the antlers...
3 housing items (again still meh because no plots available, hardly something for everyone)

...and that's it?

Now I get that I can hop along to the Mogstation and let it empty my pockets out at about £3 a pop (per outfit/minion per character)to buy some of the previous year's items but let's be honest this feels like a gouge. It wouldn't feel like a gouge if I was thrilled to bits with this year's offerings and considering augmenting them with something from the Mogstation. Instead though it feels like the only way to get a festive anything out of the game this year is to dig deep and spend more cash because my sub just isn't enough.

And I am miffed.

So is it just me?
Comments (11)

Bret Hart

Famfrit [Primal]

Yeah I too took a look too at what we will be getting this year and I must say I am sorely disappointed in the event this year. This will be my third Christmas event this year and the past two were fantastic but this one surely leaves something to be desired.

Bear Ironfist

Faerie [Aether]

Santa beard should be OP though, no?

Kupo Warkson

Siren [Aether]

Why not spend your time coming up with ideas rather than complaining about not getting outfits that you or other people will wear for maybe a week at most?

Bear Ironfist

Faerie [Aether]

Santa themed boxer shorts and Mrs. Clause lingerie.

And a top hat to match our snowman's

And Christmas themed weapons, like a candy cane for a WHM staff.

Esper Eidolon

Diabolos [Crystal]

I was only really disappointed to see we were not getting the comfy looking overcoat the lady has in the picture. Maybe next year? For now I'll settle for Christmas lights and a Christmas tree... wish reindeer horns xD

Bear Ironfist

Faerie [Aether]

*comfy looking overcoat the filthy cat has in the picture.

Bret Hart

Famfrit [Primal]

I wouldn't mind some Ms. Clause lingerie.

Kurai Ame

Jenova [Aether]

Or you could just ask some of us that has been around and we can buy you the outfits from the Calamity Salvager. Like under 500g for an outfit.

Nami Whitemoon

Gilgamesh [Aether]

It would have been nice to have an in-game event(s) that rewarded all of the previous year's Starlight event items. Also, the outfit the Miqo'te in the picture is wearing is adorable!

Mystic Blacque

Faerie [Aether]

I'm pretty sure you can get some of the starlight items through the calamity salvager. Just ask anybody who has done past events to buy the items for you and pay them back. Better than buying them from the mogstation.

Stray Y'ttik

Moogle [Chaos]

The items are all tagged as untradable as far as I can see. At any rate it's not about the cost so much as the fact that it would be really nice to be excited about this year's seasonal rather than just wishing I hadn't missed previous years.
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