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Finished Dawntrail

After finishing Dawntrail, I felt it had both highs and lows. The story lacked spark, but the gaming stuff was excellent. Being able to spend an entire expansion close to Wuk Lamat seemed strange because we hadn't really gotten to know her before Dawntrail. It was also extremely formulaic, making it simple to predict what would happen next. If anyone ends up reading this, I won't give away any plot details, but the last fight was going really well until the very end. All things considered, even with its shortcomings, the expansion offered a fun gaming experience. In order to keep players interested in the main plot, the developers can enhance the story and pace in future updates.
Comments (1)

Zolmation Volt

Sargatanas [Aether]

[spoilerino ahead]

but the themes of the expansion to me were personal growth, parenting, traditional culture vs innovative culture, and then the themes of life and death.

In many regards I think traveling with all 4 claimants, Wuk Lamat especially, was an enriching experience. It was how we got to know her and the others. I can see how people who don't enjoy those themes, or those who only really enjoy the story when war is happening or when big conflicts are happening might find it boring.
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