

  • 25


Well that was really funny one event.

We have glory, money and a lot of love from fortune-teller. She said that we are perfectly matched and blessed from the Twelve. That was nice one prediction.

Then we bugged the quest XD

And funny faces as proof.

Comments (25)

Muri Achaiois

Malboro [Crystal]

Oh wow maybe... I should watch the cutscenes lol
I want to be perfectly matched too!

Jakuta Dhousnos

Cactuar [Aether]

Aren't the cutsceens like RNG or Race based or something?



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Lol soo cuuuute!

Yeah, I think the results are based on your characteristics, like starting city, nameday, patron deity...the stuff they mention in their scenes. :P

Muri Achaiois

Malboro [Crystal]

WHAO OKAY... Is it based off my partner's race and characteristics too?!

Jakuta Dhousnos

Cactuar [Aether]

Think so

Muri Achaiois

Malboro [Crystal]

*glares at Anterious*
did you watch your cutscenes?

Jakuta Dhousnos

Cactuar [Aether]

I haven't done it yet

Muri Achaiois

Malboro [Crystal]

O: I didn't watch the cutscene when Gajeel wanted to finish the quest with me O3O and I haven't done the quest on Balmung......... hmmmmm........

Jakuta Dhousnos

Cactuar [Aether]

You can do it multiple times

Muri Achaiois

Malboro [Crystal]

Yes I know... I did it a few times with Gajeel but skipped the cutscenes each time.

Might level Bal to see how that differs from main when I do that quest again :3

Mara Night

Phantom [Chaos]

it's rng... my friend try to get match with everyone from our fc - different results for her

Muri Achaiois

Malboro [Crystal]

Well... I still need to actually watch the cutscenes so... *doodles an invitation* O3O



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Do you get the same results with the same person every time, though? Because then that wouldn't be rng, that would be a formula.

Noire Kazahana

Omega [Chaos]

awww you look so adorable and kissable <3 *tacklehugs, kissing all over* i can see your vampire tooth in the screenie XD

Mara Night

Phantom [Chaos]

nyahahaha *reaches for Reya neck to give her a vampire kiss*

E'Lain, nope we have few different results after

Ember Cinder

Faerie [Aether]

I did it with Matthew and ours was pretty bad.

Misaki Kyuusei

Midgardsormr [Aether]

Poor Hanamaru...
I did with Berry and the second Fortune Teller show me a terrible future, but Berry saw a positive future o.O

Ember Cinder

Faerie [Aether]

Matt and I had a little money, then froze to death, then sulked in gloom.

The Lalafell I had with Ember, we were in love and swimming in gold.

Jakuta Dhousnos

Cactuar [Aether]


Jakuta Dhousnos

Cactuar [Aether]

I'm not surprised with Ember's results at all

Misaki Kyuusei

Midgardsormr [Aether]

LOL almost the same with me and Berry, except the last one.
My alt on Behe got the perfect match with a random Miqo'te there

Muri Achaiois

Malboro [Crystal]

Whao I wanna see what my matching is with senpai... and what it was with gajeel lol

Ember Cinder

Faerie [Aether]

But Ember is married to a Highlander.



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Viki and I were perfect matched in all three! :)

Mara Night

Phantom [Chaos]

Nice to hear that, Verity :3 And i was really happy that we has a good fortune with Reya.

I wonder what else results Ember has :3
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