D is for Die Hard

Of course it is. Die Hard is, as everyone knows, the perfect Christmas movie. I don’t really want to go into the sequels (for once) – they’re fine and have their moments, but the first is quite definitely the best.

Comes in at #114 on the IMDb Top 250, and scores a very healthy 8.3 stars. Every one of them deserved. Die Hard is, from the opening scene to the very last, a joy to watch. Did you know it was nominated for four Oscars?

“Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs…”
~ McClane

You know the story. World-weary New York cop John McClane turns up at his wife’s office christmas party when Alan Rickman turns up with a ropey German accent, some wonderfully mulleted friends and a whole host of explosives and weaponry. Hijinks ensue.

This is arguably the film that made Bruce Willis into the movie star we all know and love. Fresh from his role as the wisecracking David Addison in Moonlighting, Willis got $5 million for Die Hard, a huge sum of money for someone so new to the movie business.

Apparently Schwarzenegger, Harrison Ford, Don Johnson, Richard Gere, Mel Gibson, Burt Reynolds and Stallone *all* turned it down. Fools. Though can you imagine Die Hard with Arnie? Clash of the accents… Interestingly it was also Alan Rickman’s first starring role, and look where *he* ended up! And, of course, it featured Paul Gleason who played Mister Vernon in The Breakfast Club.

I don’t just do these things randomly, you know? 🙂

It’s fair to say that Bruce earned his fee. Die Hard was hugely successful, spawning a number (some would argue too high a number) of sequels, becoming a money-making machine.

It’s a cracking film which, once it gets going, doesn’t let up. Bruce (and his vest) get shot at, blown up, chased, shot at some more, jump off an exploding building and even come up with his immortal catchphrase

“Yippee-ki-yay, motherf…”

I love it.

previously, on The A-Z Challenge
A is for Alien
B is for The Breakfast Club
C is for Catching Fire

Author: dave

Book reviewer, occasional writer, photographer, coffee-lover, cyclist, spoon carver and stationery geek.

24 thoughts on “D is for Die Hard”

  1. I try to watch this film any chance I get, it’s one of those movies I can watch over and over again and won’t get sick of it. Really can’t imagine Arnie as McClane!

  2. I adore this movie, and LOVE Alan Rickman in it. He makes me laugh.

    Liz – my A-Z = http://www.lizbrownleeoet.com (animal facts and poems, and stuff about my assistance dog.)

    Dave, I have encountered this WordPress theme three times on my travels through the A-Z, and each time it is ‘sticky’ – really hard to scroll through, it goes up the page not at all, then jerks, then you find yourself in a different place to the one you want to be, and have to jerk your way back! Thought I’d mention it in case anyone else is having problems.

    1. Alan Rickman is utterly wonderful and entirely watchable in everything. I look forward to checking out your A-Z!

      I’d not heard of any problems with this theme – I think it’s one of WordPress’s own, if I remember correctly. Thanks for letting me know though – I’m thinking about going for a self-hosted option so will be looking out for other themes then.

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