Epic Seven Wiki

The sole survivor of the Nocturnes.

Hero Background[]

Ludwig is the sole survivor of the Nocturnes, the family responsible for protecting the Lunar Cemetery. He cherishes the Guardian Kromcruz more than anyone else. Though he may look young, he is well along in years.




Iseria Friendly Iseria also knows how painful it is to lose a person precious to you. Ludwig finds her to be very considerate.
Krau Friendly Though he seems shameless and overly confident, Ludwig thinks Krau is an incredible fighter.
Ras Friendly Ludwig wishes to repay Ras for helping him escape the cemetery and saving Kromcruz.
Judge Kise Love Among the Nocturnes, Kise is the one who he followed, respected and loved the most.
Yuna Friendly Yuna is a cheerful and bubbly girl. Ludwig hates how she treats him like a child, but does not hate her.
Kayron Hostile Ludwig considers Kayron to be an evil and cruel enemy for trying to harm him and Krom.


Skill Cooldown Souls Acquired Description
0 1 Ludwig attacks with magic, with a 60% chance to steal one buff. Increases his Combat Readiness by 15% when he is buffed.
+1 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx4,000 MolaGorax1)
+2 > +5% effect chance (Goldx8,000 MolaGorax2)
+3 > +10% damage dealt (Goldx33,000 MolaGorax2 Twisted Fangx5)
+4 > +10% effect chance (Goldx47,000 MolaGorax3 Twisted Fangx7)
+5 > +15% damage dealt (Goldx84,000 MolaGorax6 Blazing Soulx2)

Moonlight Blow
Moonlight Blow
4 2 Ludwig attacks with light, with a 35% chance to stun for 1 turn before granting him invincibility for 1 turn. (Stun Stun: The target becomes unable to act for a certain number of turns. Invincible Invincible: Neutralizes all of the damage taken when attacked.)
+1 > +10% damage dealt (Goldx4,000 MolaGorax1)
+2 > +5% effect change (Goldx8,000 MolaGorax2)
+3 > -1 turn cooldown (Goldx33,000 MolaGorax2 Twisted Fangx5)
+4 > +10% effect change (Goldx47,000 MolaGorax3 Twisted Fangx7)
+5 > +15% damage dealt (Goldx84,000 MolaGorax6 Blazing Soulx2)

Call of the Full Moon
Call of the Full Moon
5 3 Before Awakening: Ludwig attacks all enemies with Nocturne magic, penetrating Defense by 20%. When he is invincible, penetrates Defense by an additional 10%. A critical hit will grant Ludwig a barrier for 2 turns, with strength increasing proportional to his Attack. (Penetrate: Ignores the target's Defense when inflicting damage. Invincible Invincible: Neutralizes all of the damage taken when attacked. Barrier Barrier: Neutralizes some of the damage taken when attacked.)

After Awakening: Ludwig attacks all enemies with Nocturne magic, penetrating Defense by 20%. When he is invincible, penetrates Defense by an additional 30%. A critical hit will grant Ludwig a barrier for 2 turns, with strength increasing proportional to his Attack. (Penetrate: Ignores the target's Defense when inflicting damage. Invincible Invincible: Neutralizes all of the damage taken when attacked. Barrier Barrier: Neutralizes some of the damage taken when attacked.)

Soul Burn: Increases damage dealt. (Consumes 10 Souls.)
+1 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx4,000 MolaGorax1)
+2 > +5% damage dealt (Goldx8,000 MolaGorax2)
+3 > -1 turn cooldown (Goldx33,000 MolaGorax2 Twisted Fangx5)
+4 > +10% damage dealt (Goldx47,000 MolaGorax3 Twisted Fangx7)
+5 > +15% damage dealt (Goldx84,000 MolaGorax6 Blazing Soulx2)
Items needed:
Twisted Fang
Twisted Fang
Blazing Soul
Blazing Soul


Moonlight Knowledge Moonlight Knowledge
Knowledge of the Nocturnes and immortal life has granted him mysterious and broad knowledge.
Dispatch Mission: [Unknown Knowledge] Attribute - Reward Bonus +10%
Command Command 37
Charm Charm 84
Politics Politics 76

How to obtain[]

  • Covenant Summon

Memory Imprint[]

Imprint Release Attack Attack
- - +3.6% +5.4% +7.2% +9% +10.8%

Heroes used to Memory Imprint:

  • Ludwig
  • Unknown Slate


Ludwig Awaken Constellation
Potential Stone Potential Stone Ability Stone Potential Stone Potential Stone Potential Stone
Speed Attack Call of the Full Moon Attack Speed Attack
Speed +2 Attack +3% Skill Enhance:
Call of the Full Moon
Attack +6% Speed +4 Attack +6%
Attack Attack +20
Health Health +60
Attack Attack +20
Health Health +60
Attack Attack +20
Health Health +60
Attack Attack +30
Health Health +80
Attack Attack +30
Health Health +80
Attack Attack +30
Health Health +80
Items needed:
Life Rune
Life Rune
Greater Life Rune
Greater Life Rune
Epic Life Rune
Epic Life Rune
Ultra Fang
Ultra Fang
Blazing Soul
Blazing Soul

Tier List[]

Ludwig isn’t much of a PvE unit with his kit. There are better DPS characters for PvE such as Bellona, who is also a good PvP unit.

With the new changes, Ludwig can now provide the invincibility buff on his S2 by himself on first turn without having to kill anyone, allowing him to survive without having a support keeping him alive (Blaze Dingo, Achates, Crimson Armin). This opens up a new slot and also allowing him to be a turn 2 offensive PvP unit.

His S3 now gives 20% defense penetration and 50% with invincibility. He is much more useful with these changes.

Recommended Artifacts[]


Tagehel's Ancient Book Tagehel's Ancient Book (soul burn): Allows Ludwig to burn his skill 3 in PvP for even more damage, wiping entire teams with Tywin/Auxiliary Lots + Crimson Armin/Achates.
Exorcist's Tonfa Exorcist's Tonfa (PvP nuke): Increases initial damage dealt to enemies.

Arena & Guild Wars[]

Portrait of the Saviors Portrait of the Saviors
Tagehel's Ancient Book Tagehel's Ancient Book

Hunt, Abyss & Raid[]

Kal'adra Kal'adra

Recommended Set[]

Damage: Attack Set Attack Set / Critical Set Critical Set
Necklace Necklace Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Damage
Ring Ring Attack Attack(%)
Boots Boots Attack Attack(%)
Critical Damage: Destruction Set Destruction Set / Critical Set Critical Set
Necklace Necklace Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Damage
Ring Ring Attack Attack(%)
Boots Boots Attack Attack(%)
Rage: Rage Set Rage Set / Critical Set Critical Set
Necklace Necklace Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Damage
Ring Ring Attack Attack(%)
Boots Boots Attack Attack(%)

Substats Priority[]

Attack Attack(%) > Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Chance > Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Damage

Labryrinth Camping[]

Food Story

This table shows the morale points you gain when the following chat options are selected. Check out the epic7db.com's labyrinth camping simulator to gain the most morale points.

Advice 4
Belief 3
Bizarre Story 2
Comforting Cheer 6
Complain -4
Criticism -3
Cute Cheer 6
Dream 3
Food Story 0
Gossip 4
Happy Memory 4
Heroic Cheer 3
Heroic Tale 1
Horror Story -3
Interesting Story 3
Joyful Memory 4
Myth 1
Occult 0
Reality Check -3
Sad Memory 3
Self Indulgent -6
Unique Comment 1




