as God intended

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as God intended

  1. (hyperbolic, usually humorous or sarcastic) According to the way things are when one's own preferences, ideas, methods, values, etc., are applied or followed. Commonly a disguised or subconscious complaint that things are otherwise.
    Where my cousin lives, it almost always rains on Thursdays, and then they have beautiful sunny weather on the weekend, as God intended.
    • 2010 February 6, Paul Krugman, “People Should Travel In Trains As God Intended”, in The New York Times (The Conscience of a Liberal)‎[1]:
      I believe it was an English matron who declared that airplanes were an invention of the devil, that people should take trains as God intended.
  2. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see as,‎ God,‎ intended.



See also
