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Alternative forms




Borrowed from Sanskrit आकाश (ākāśa).

Proper noun



  1. (Hinduism, Jainism) The sky and the cosmos.
  2. (Hinduism, Jainism) One of the five Hindu elements: a primordial, imperceptible substance pervading the sky, cosmos, and open spaces.
    • 1769, Firishta, translated by Alexander Dow, Tales translated from the Persian of Inatulla of Delhi, volume I, Dublin: P. and W. Wilson et al., page 13:
      Now when the vital principle aſſumes to itſelf a body of fire, air, and akaſh, it becomes what we call ſpirit or ſoul, and is endued with perception and the activity of thought in its motions.
  3. A male given name from Sanskrit

