The Purge: Election Year

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The Purge: Election Year is a 2016 American dystopian alternate future action horror film about a police officer who is enlisted by a Presidential candidate to provide security on the eve of the Purge only to be her savior in multiple political assassination attempts by federal mercenary death squads of the NFFA (New Founding Fathers of America), a Federal Purge rights lobbyist political party association/paramilitary militia establishment .

Directed and written by James DeMonaco.
For one night only, America invites you to its annual tradition.  (taglines)
See also
The Purge (franchise)

Joe Dixon

  • Boy, there's a whole bunch of Negros comin' right this way. And we sitting up here like a bucket of motherfucking chicken.
  • [In a stand-off with Bishop's soldiers] Now, I'm gonna tell you right now, I like Black people, but I ain't gonna let you all shoot these white folks. These are our white people.

Leader Caleb Warrens

  • It's time to do something about all these cocksuckers, like that rat Bishop and the cunt senator, trying to dismantle everything we've built. We are going to use this year's Purge to do some spring cleaning, gentlemen.

Uncle Sam

  • We will now purge. We will torture you and violate your flesh. Remove your skin and share in your blood. This is the American way.

Minister Edwidge Owens

  • Before we get to our communal Purge, the Holy Horde of Many Martyrs, I'd like to introduce a guest who's going to be the centerpiece of a very special Purge ceremony tonight. [James rolls the pending victim on stage with a hand truck] This person has threatened to dismantle everything that we, New Founding Fathers, have done. We must rid ourselves of the negative emotions that she has stirred inside. We must stop her from poisoning our great country by taking away our freedoms. [Revealing it to be Senator Roan, to a round of applause] Yeah. I would like all the Founding Fathers to come to the altar. Join me, brothers, as we eliminate evil and Purge as one. [Members of the NFFA approach the altar] Lord of Air, Lord of Earth, we ask that you receive this child into your loving arms. We are sinners. Let us release. Caleb, our leader, I invite you, sir, to lead us in this Purging as you have and as you will. [Picking up a knife] Blessed be our New Founding Fathers for letting us Purge. Blessed be America, a nation reborn. Well, it's been a long journey to get away from the lies and the self-deception to this place of knowledge and awareness of who we really are. People of flesh, immensely flawed. Oh, it's hard to see the ugly truth. But change can only come from acceptance. And change we must, as it is our godly duty to get rid of the fury and the hatred that poisons our souls, makes us sick. Makes us ugly. Tonight, we, the leaders of this great country, will sin, scour, sanitize, and sterilize our souls until we are free again, and this country will be better for it. We are not hypocrites! We practice what we preach. Purge and purify! Say it with me. [The congregation choruses it back] Purge and purify! Purge and purify! Let us begin.


Leo Barnes: This is how it's gonna go now. Like you said, fate of the country's at stake. Okay? It's my show now.
Senator Charlie Roan: Look, I'm not an idiot. I know what you're capable of. I'm the one who hired you. But if I see something I don't like, I'm not gonna be quiet about it. It's not in my nature.

Laney Rucker: What the hell's going on?
Joe Dixon: The damn insurance company. They just raised the premium on my Purge coverage. By thousands. The day before the damn Purge. If I don't pay it by tomorrow, I have no Purge coverage for this store.
Marcos: They can't do that.
Joe Dixon: Yeah, well, they just did it.
Laney Rucker: Just lock the place down, Joe.
Joe Dixon: Yeah, but that's not enough. If I have no insurance, I am screwed. I'll just have to protect this place myself.
Laney Rucker: Are you crazy?
Marcos: That's not a good idea, boss.
Laney Rucker: Look, we love this place, too, Joe. I've been coming here since I was born. But it's just stuff. It can be replaced. You can't be.
Joe Dixon: Yeah, but what about what you do on Purge Night, Laney? Huh? Is that not the pot calling the kettle brown? No?
Laney Rucker: That's different, Joe, and you know that. I'm protected, and you won't be.
Joe Dixon: This is all I got, guys. This is my slice of the pie. Man, I cannot, I can't lose this place. I just... I can't lose this place.

Senator Charlie Roan: [At a presidential debate] More low-income people are killed during the Purge than anyone else. The money generated from the Purge lines the pockets of the NRA and insurance companies. Any government system that relies on violence to answer its problems must be rebooted.
Chief Couper: [Watching from off-stage] She's doing good, Leo.
Senator Charlie Roan: It is time to call upon the better angels of our nature.

Leo Barnes: [Fortifying Senator Roan's residence] I want men in there. I want men in there. I want a lot of men back there. Well, she's got some security, but I'm revamping the entire thing. We got new barricades on all the doors, all the windows back and front.
Chief Couper: Looks safe.
Leo Barnes: Chief, if you tell me it's safe one more time, I'm gonna throw you down the steps.
Chief Couper: Please don't do that.
Leo Barnes: [Heading upstairs] Men here. Men here. We got a security monitoring system in this room. We got eyes and ears on everything. This is her safe room. She is not to leave her safe room. No one is to go inside her safe room. Do we understand each other?
Chief Couper: This is a mess. She's not gonna be happy about it.
Leo Barnes: I don't care if she's happy, Chief. And I want to go on record as saying this is a bad idea. No matter what we do here, this house and this Senator are at risk on Purge Night. You understand me?
Chief Couper: Duly noted. Let's lock it down.

Joe Dixon: [Catching two shoplifters] All right, girls, give it up. I won't have to call the police.
Kimmy: Get outta my face, old man!
Joe Dixon: Let's not do this the hard way, okay? I'm giving you an out. All right, give up the candy or I'll have to take it away from you.
Kimmy: You touch me and I scream rape, you cocksucking pig. Now walk away.
Laney Rucker: Give it back.
Kimmy: Who are you, bitch? Better get out of my way!
Schoolgirl #2: [Holding her back] That's Laney Rucker, Kimmy.
Kimmy: Laney Rucker? Holy shit. OG Queen badass? Yo! They called you Pequeña Muerte. Little Death. Yo, you're my motherfucking hero.
Laney Rucker: That makes me proud. Now give back whatever you stole. And apologize.
Kimmy: [Obliging, somewhat reluctantly] Oh, my God. Sorry, mister. I was just playin'. So, Ms. Rucker, what happened to you? You look all whitish now. Later, Ms. Rucker. Wish I met you back in the day.

Senator Charlie Roan: What made you apply for this position?
Leo Barnes: I like your politics.
Senator Charlie Roan: No. No bullshit. I want a real answer.
Leo Barnes: I lost my son some years ago. He was killed. I almost did something on Purge Night that would've destroyed a lot of lives. I want this night gone. I know you do, too. Especially after what you lost.
Senator Charlie Roan: Yeah. Despite all of that, you... you have a big problem with how I do things.
Leo Barnes: You take risks, Senator. My job is to eliminate risks and keep you alive. You don't make that easy.
Senator Charlie Roan: The soul of this country is at stake, Leo. The only way that I can win is to risk everything, and that includes my life.

Reporter #1: As she's done many times before, Senator Roan broke security protocol, walking off the stage, stepping into the audience.
Joe Dixon: [watching on TV] Tell you this much, she got 'em little titties, but she got some big-ass balls. She ain't got a snowball's chance in a steam bath of winning this thing, but she be taking on them ol' white-haired George Washington wannabe mofos all by herself. And to that, I say bully for her.
Laney Rucker: Oh, horseshit. She's full of it, too. Nothing'll ever change.
Joe Dixon: Hey, Laney. Laney, Laney? I think we've offended Marcos with our anti-Senator talk.
Marcos: The Senator's going to win. She's gonna make real changes, too. You'll see. All she needs is Florida. She gets the 29 electoral votes from Florida, that puts her over 270. She can do it.
Joe Dixon: Smartass. All that useless shit and can't butter a damn bagel correctly.
Marcos: I could butter your bagel, boss.
Joe Dixon: Oh, you'd butter my bagel? Well, you got jokes over there. Yeah, you just be careful, kid, with all that hope, 'cause it can be a bad thing. Hope can lead to a lot of letdown. Tell him, Irish I.
Irish Ike Jenkins: Excuse me, what? I'm not paying attention. I'm thinking about waffles and pussy. That's all I ever really think about, actually.
Joe Dixon: Irish I, ladies and gentlemen.
Irish Ike Jenkins: The fuck you laughing at? I'm dead serious.
Joe Dixon: [With a laughing sigh] Ah, fuck!

Tommy Roseland: The New Founding Fathers believe in fairness. And we hear what the people are saying. That the Purge benefits the rich and the powerful. That was never the intention. From this point on, no one is exempt. The rules protecting level 10 government officials have been revoked.
Chief Couper: [as he watches on TV, Barnes knocks on the door] Yeah, come in.
Leo Barnes: You seeing this?
Chief Couper: Yeah, NFFA is revoking the Purge rule that protects government officials of ranking 10 on Purge night.
Leo Barnes: Yeah, I'll secure a safehouse and full security detail on the night.
Senator Charlie Roan: No. I'm staying home on Purge Night.
Leo Barnes: Senator, I don't think that's a good idea.
Senator Charlie Roan: If the voters get wind that I'm hiding in a fortress like some rich asshole, I lose votes and the NFFA wins. I stay home like 99% of the population. Make it safe. Whatever it takes.

Joe Dixon: That's, uh, that's Marcos right there. Marcos is, uh... he's a fan of yours.
Senator Charlie Roan: Hi, Marcos.
Marcos: Hey, Senator.
Joe Dixon: He actually thinks you can win this thing.
Senator Charlie Roan: Oh, yeah?
Joe Dixon: [laughing] Shit! Uh, tell her what-what she need to do to win, Marcos.
Marcos: Oh, no, it's not my place to say.
Senator Charlie Roan: Well, you saved my life, Marcos. I'd like to hear it, please.
Marcos: Florida is the key. You have to get the elders.
Senator Charlie Roan: That's smart. He's not wrong, Joe. What do you think?
Joe Dixon: Well, I don't think you got a damn chance.
Senator Charlie Roan: Well, have a little faith.
Joe Dixon: Well, I lost my faith in the system a long time ago, Senator.

Leo Barnes: Someone is coming for you.
Senator Charlie Roan: What?
Leo Barnes: [Gives her a Kevlar vest] Put that on.
Senator Charlie Roan: Leo, the house is surrounded...
Leo Barnes: Move, move!
Senator Charlie Roan: I'm moving. What are you... you said you had men on the roof. You have snipers.
Leo Barnes: Not anymore. Not anymore.
Senator Charlie Roan: What do you mean not anymore?
Leo Barnes: Someone betrayed us.
Senator Charlie Roan: What?
Leo Barnes: I can't trust anyone. Put on that vest. Listen to me. This isn't a drill. Someone's coming to kill you. You understand me? Move.
Senator Charlie Roan: Moving. [He uncovers a hidden escape hatch in the floor] What the...
Leo Barnes: Go!
Senator Charlie Roan: Okay, what the hell is that?
Leo Barnes: That's my little secret. Move.

Leo Barnes: [Checking out Joe's deli] Place is moderately secure. Cameras. Maybe we stay here.
Joe Dixon: "Maybe we stay here"? Where you going? You going back out there?
Senator Charlie Roan: Joe, do you have a first aid kit? Leo, my security, was shot.
Leo Barnes: I'm fine.
Senator Charlie Roan: You're not fine.
Leo Barnes: I'm fine.
Senator Charlie Roan: You're not. Sit. You want me to take it off?
Leo Barnes: [With a sigh, he removes his jacket] It's okay. It's nothing.
Senator Charlie Roan: Yeah? Doesn't look like nothing.
Leo Barnes: [Marcos brings the first aid kit] Let me see. Let me see.
Marcos: I know a little bit about first aid. I could help you. [Checks wound] The bullet's deep. You need stitches.
Leo Barnes: Yeah.
Marcos: But we can't do that here.
Leo Barnes: Right. Clean it up. Patch it up. Come on. Move.

Leo Barnes: What's your name, pal?
Joe Dixon: You know what, Mr. Secret Service Man? You should be thanking my black ass for helping you instead of interrogating me.
Senator Charlie Roan: His name is Joe Dixon.
Leo Barnes: Joe Dixon, have I offended you?
Joe Dixon: Yeah. Yeah, man, just a little bit.
Leo Barnes: Your feelings are not a concern of mine.
Joe Dixon: Little respect. That's all I need.
Marcos: [Observing surveillance feed] Everyone, shut up, please! Look.
Schoolgirl #1 Freakbride: [Pulling up with her friends again] You stupid motherfucker! You should have let us take the candy bar! Now you're fuckin' gonna pay for it, you stupid son of a bitch! Whoo! It's a good night to Purge, isn't it?
Joe Dixon: Oh, hell!
Senator Charlie Roan: Who the hell is that?
Marcos: The looters I was telling you about.
Leo Barnes: Purge Night, Senator. What did you expect?

Senator Charlie Roan: How the hell did it get to this?
Leo Barnes: [Seeing Rondo] Who is he? Why is he cuffed?
Laney Rucker: Rondo. Two bullet holes delivered by a rival gang, but he's a good kid. He's chained up 'cause I didn't want him Purging anymore. So, Senator... NFFA made a move on your ass.
Senator Charlie Roan: Seems that way.
Laney Rucker: Goddamn conniving, duplicitous, crooked, cocksucking politicians.
Senator Charlie Roan: Agreed. We're not all that bad.
Laney Rucker: My experience, Senator? My people are on our own, no matter what you all say or promise.
Rondo: I'm kind of confused here. Who the hell is this lady?
Laney Rucker: You big dope! You give people from the neighborhood a bad name.

Laney Rucker: Hey, guys! I got your message.
Marcos: Laney!
Joe Dixon: This is our girl.
Leo Barnes: Go, go, go!
Laney Rucker: [As they open the metal shutters, she spots Roan] Holy shit, it really is you.
Leo Barnes: Where do we go?
Joe Dixon: The van!
Leo Barnes: Go.
Laney Rucker: Come on, Joe.
Joe Dixon: I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be there.
Marcos: Joe, come on.
Joe Dixon: You get out of here, kid. I'm staying.
Marcos: They'll kill you.
Joe Dixon: Go now!
Marcos: If you stay, I stay.
Joe Dixon: Just leave.
Marcos: Joe, listen to me. For some reason, the Senator ended up in our neighborhood, in your deli. Maybe it's our duty to help protect her. We'll rebuild the deli. Whatever it takes, you and me. I promise.

Senator Charlie Roan: What's going on?
Leo Barnes: Just doing my job.
Angel Munoz: Senator, it's just a misunderstanding. Why don't we go back outside? Come on.
Senator Charlie Roan: [looking at what covers the walls] Are you seeing this, Leo?
Leo Barnes: Yes, Senator.
Angel Munoz: Senator, why don't we go outside...
Senator Charlie Roan: Stop. Those are the Minister's biggest financial supporters. The NFFA. Our Lady of Sorrow. Is... is that where the Minister is going to be tonight for the Purge Mass?
Angel Munoz: We believe so.
Senator Charlie Roan: You believe... what is all this? Why do you have all this? [Realizing] You're gonna assassinate him. You're gonna assassinate the Minister tonight, aren't you?

Dante Bishop: Dawn called. Told me you guys were coming through. So, the NFFA came at you tonight? Can't say I'm surprised. Let me show you around, get you settled in.
Senator Charlie Roan: You set all this up, Mr. Bishop?
Dante Bishop: Yes, this is my organization. We have doctors, and nurses, EMTs, paramedics. This is their way of protesting this damn night.
Leo Barnes: How many people know about this place?
Dante Bishop: Just the volunteers, and the homeless that we invite in. Look, these are the real victims of the Purge. The people that the NFFA are trying to eliminate so that they don't have to take care of them anymore.
Leo Barnes: These men that are armed, you'll have them at all the entrances and the rooftop?
Dante Bishop: Yes. My men will keep you safe. Or as safe as you can be on Purge Night.

Senator Charlie Roan: It doesn't make any sense. There was no way they could've known we'd be in this van.
Leo Barnes: Doesn't matter. They did. [Realizes something] You son of a bitch.
Senator Charlie Roan: Leo? [Picks up a pair of surgical tongs] Leo?
Leo Barnes: Move.
Senator Charlie Roan: Leo. [Digging into his bullet wound] Oh! Leo, what the hell are you doing? Leo, what...
Leo Barnes: [Extracts the bullet, one end of which glows blue] Trace bullet. That's how he found us.

Marcos: You okay, Senator?
Senator Charlie Roan: No, Marcos. I'm not. This night corrupts everyone.
Leo Barnes: Senator.
Senator Charlie Roan: I can't win like this. It goes against everything that I believe in.
Leo Barnes: We need to focus on one thing right now and that's survival. I need to make sure you get through this night.
Senator Charlie Roan: I have to stop them from killing the Minister.
Leo Barnes: What?
Senator Charlie Roan: If they assassinate him, he becomes a martyr. We lose.
Leo Barnes: Yeah. And how do we do that?
Senator Charlie Roan: I don't know. We have to do something.

Senator Charlie Roan: [Learning of a plan to assassinate her election opponent] You cannot do this. I need to win this thing fair and fucking square.
Angel Munoz: They are not playing fair and fucking square and neither should we.
Leo Barnes: This church will be locked up like Fort Knox. You'll never get through. You're gonna get slaughtered.
Angel Munoz: Four churches were built on that site. The original by your boy George Washington over 200 years ago. The man liked to have escape tunnels attached to all his structures. They're all over D.C. The tunnel under the original church has been closed up since the '50s. But we reopened it. We're gonna walk right through there and into that church without anybody even knowing it. The original Founding Fathers are about to fuck over the New Founding Fathers. Now how you like that for irony?
Leo Barnes: How'd you know where this mass is gonna be?
Angel Munoz: Because we do whatever it takes. We did this for you, Senator.
Senator Charlie Roan: No, it's not for me. Get your boss on the phone. I need to talk to him.
Angel Munoz: He's not here.
Senator Charlie Roan: Angel, listen to me. You call him. You tell him he does this and the Minister becomes a martyr. I cannot have my presidency built on murder. You see that.
Angel Munoz: He will not leave this to the voters. He does not believe in the American system.
Senator Charlie Roan: Angel, believe in me. I can make this happen.
Angel Munoz: We do. That's why we're trying to pave a way for you to the White House so you can make changes.
Senator Charlie Roan: You're gonna cost me the White House.

Minister Edwidge Owens: Jesus died for their sins. And now, our modern-day martyrs will die for our trespasses. [A tied-up man is rolled on-stage with a hand truck] Our martyr's name is Lawrence. A lifelong drug addict. He wants to make amends. He wants to serve his God and his government. Let's thank Lawrence for his gift. [His congregation choruses thank-you's] We love you, Lawrence. [Unveils a tray of weapons] These weapons have been cleansed with holy water, and they are now instruments of destruction. You all know the loyal Harmon James. Worked with the NFFA tirelessly for many years. Harmon will be the first Purger of the evening.
Lawrence: [pleading through his gag] I'm sorry. No, no, no. Please, please, please, please. No, no, no. Please, no, no! I'm sorry! No, please! No! I'm sorry! Please, no, no! Please, no! Please! No! Please, please!
Minister Edwidge Owens: Release, Harmon.
Lawrence: I'm sorry!
Minister Edwidge Owens: [James begins stabbing Lawrence] Release the violence from your darkened heart! Scour your soul. Let the light in. You are blood-baptized. And you are born again!


  • Keep America Great.
  • I purged.
  • Purge for the People.
  • Purge for the Nation.
  • Purge for the Power.
  • Purge for Your Liberty.
  • Purge for the Glory.


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