Critters 3

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Critters 3 is a 1991 film about a race of aliens that attacks a Los Angeles apartment tower.

Directed by Kristine Peterson. Written by David J. Schow.
First they destroyed a farm. Then they terrorised a town. Now they're ready to do some real damage!  (taglines)


Rosalie: Hey, you got the elevator fixed, Frankie.
Frank: Hey, not for you, Rosie. There's still a one-ton load limit.

Marcia: I still don't know what the hell is going on here.
Mr. Menges: Ain't no rats, you can be sure of that.

Annie: Dad, you're going to have to deal with this. You got to think about it, make some decisions.
Clifford: Annie, I'm going to eat my dinner, and then I'm going to watch some moronic situation comedy, and then I'm going to sleep the sleep of the dead. Can we worry about this tomorrow?

Annie: We really have to go now.
Josh: Give my regards to Mars.
Charlie: Don't be so quick. You're not as smart as you think you are.

Marcia: You know if we can make it to the roof, I can get to the junction box outside, tie into the phone lines, call for help.
Josh: You can do that?
Marcia: Hey, I can do anything. I work for the phone company.

Annie: Hi.
Josh: Hi.
Annie: How are you?
Josh: I'm fine. So... uh... how about getting together sometime and doing something normal?
Annie: Normal like a movie?
Josh: Yeah.


  • First they destroyed a farm. Then they terrorised a town. Now they're ready to do some real damage!
  • You Are What They Eat


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