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September 28, 2020

The $1,400 Question: Consumers Expect to Pay Much More Without Free Ad-Supported Content & Services

Americans are struggling to recover from the worst economic collapse in modern times, with tens of millions out of work, struggling to pay their bills, or reducing household expenses to make ends meet.

As bad as the financial situation is today, a new survey conducted by the DAA shows it could get worse, as respondents believed they would face significant new costs without the advertising-based financial model that funds popular digital content and services like news, entertainment, sports, and email.

According to the survey, Americans place a value of more than $1,400 per year on the array of free digital content, services, and apps that are currently funded by...

September 16, 2020

In Response to Inquiry, DAA Informs State of Texas that a Thriving Internet Economy and Effective Privacy Protection Can and Must Co-Exist

Last month, the Digital Advertising Alliance joined a coalition of trade organizations – all of which serve as our association Board – in providing an informational response to a State of Texas Privacy Protection Advisory Council inquiry. The DAA’s response focused on responsible data collection, digital advertising, privacy protection and related topics.

The Texas legislature previously had considered requiring consumers to “opt-in” for all data collection for a broad set of uses including advertising.

In replying to this state-level inquiry, DAA and its partners seek to be responsive, even as we remain proactive on the federal level with our work through the Privacy for America initiative (PfA)...

August 6, 2020

Summit Snapshot: Consumers Turn to Advanced Television amid a Pandemic, As Do Digital Marketers

In the time of COVID-19, lifestyles across the globe have changed dramatically, from exercise and food shopping, to the way people watch TV and listen to music. At the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Virtual Summit 20, I had the opportunity to moderate a panel -- Ryan Fleisch, head of product marketing for Adobe Advertising Cloud; Holly Grochmal, general counsel at Pandora; and Amy Guenel, vice president of product marketing at Tremor Video -- to discuss streaming, OTT (over the top television) and its growing role in the digital advertising ecosystem. It’s not the first time advanced, connected television has come up at a DAA Summit, but there’s a lot of investment going on in this newest of addressable platforms, even without COVID-19, and brands want to connect with consumers here.

Understanding Streaming

Streaming now accounts for nearly a fifth of TV viewing, if not more. Media planning, targeting, engagement measurement, attribution -- all of that -- as well as how we manage compliance for privacy’s sake – are parts of our addressable television learning curve. Consumer experiences and expectations...

August 4, 2020

DAA to Help Convene Initiative on Privacy, Policy and Legal Issues Facing Industry

Today, a group of trade associations, many of which are represented on the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) Board of Directors, and many DAA Participant companies announced a new initiative to advance and to protect critical functionalities such as customization and analytics for digital media and advertising, while safeguarding privacy and improving the consumer experience. This effort is organized under the Partnership for Responsible Addressable Media (PRAM). Stu Ingis, general counsel to DAA and chairman of Venable LLP, will lead the partnership’s legal and policy working group.

The DAA will act as a convener for trade associations on the DAA...

July 6, 2020

Summit Snapshot: Rep. Diaz Barragán (D-CA) Addresses Responsible Data Use and a Potential National Privacy Law

The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) may have taken our annual Summit program “virtual” – having to relocate online from our original intended venue in Southern California, because of COVID-19 -- but that didn’t stop an influential member of California’s Congressional delegation from addressing our Summit audience on consumer data concerns and the need for a new federal privacy law.

We were honored to hear from Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán, Member of Congress for California’s 44th District, who articulated her constituents’ concerns about data protection – and the need for transparency among other data privacy policy goals. Of course, transparency is an integral part of the DAA Principles, and is part and parcel of the privacy regime DAA Participants adhere to in their consumer engagement. These same principles are what we hope to see incorporated in a new federal privacy law through DAA’s involvement with the ...


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