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Just something I want to say...#18

I'm about to take a break again. After experiencing the new Seize map, I like it, but I kinda hate it. The reason why I like it is because of the bulwark or fences in the middle. They're really good for me to use as cover. As someone who uses a melee class, when we don't have enough heavy hitters, I'd go in, and these fences are awesome to use. However, what I hate about it is that once you go into one of the corners of the big ices, you're often quite dead, especially if you're on the side without an incline leading to it.

Unlike the old map, there are three paths: one for the folks in the middle from the opposite end to go through, and one each for the opposing team where the crystal is near. However, with this new map, this makes it all too easy for one team to be boxed in. I have no love for this. If I die, I would rather die due to my own mistakes in combat rather than by default because I have nowhere to run. This is also the reason why I think a lot of people use ranged classes and are reluctant to use melee, simply because they have several malms to decide to push or disengage while the melee takes the damage.

I'm sure many will disagree because, just like people who use knockbacks in Secure and are proud of using them to farm Battle Highs, there will be many here who will like the idea of easy kills, the same way when the team jumps down the cliff, they'll be boxed in. You can probably tell that I don't really care for strategy or tactics. I only care about killing people, and staying alive is hard to do when a map is designed to give a huge disadvantage instead of forcing my own errors, know what I mean? It's not that I don't have the ability to adapt—I just think the folks involved with the decision with the design are coddling mediocre commanders too much.

I say this because these same commanders who are probably high off their easy wins don't do so well in other maps when they lead. For some odd reason, I tend to enjoy matches where the person pinging the objective doesn't really say much and lets everyone perform their own way. I just feel that there's more personality because people are just off doing their own thing and they learn from what to focus on and when they should offer help. But people who lead the entire match and want everyone to follow THEM... I don't know... maybe I'm just stubborn as a long-time player and refuse to acknowledge them. Since I know when I should help out the alliance or when I should focus on doing my own thing. People like us don't need people like them to 'lead us.' We're veterans. There are many times when calls weren't even being made, and we still won... that's how you know the team is a team of experienced PvPers.

Just something I want to say... I really look forward to Secure if it does come back. Hopefully they get rid of the knockback abuse. By the way, while I'm still here... I really hope the new classes will be something similar to the Kingsglaive from FFXV. The concept that the Turtles have many weapons is relevant to how the Glaives can summon weapons, but mostly a dagger/knife. That would pretty much fit the rogue fighting style since they warp and use an ample amount of magic for offensive or defensive. We seriously need another assassin/rogue type of class. Please..NO pistol or pirate like some people were mentioning.
Kommentare (1)

Rah Vanti

Siren [Aether]

Enjoy your break~
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