Washington, DC

Online Services

Public works, sanitation and utilities icon
Website for service request for district residents.
Housing and property icon
Affordable Housing Assessment RFP solicitation details
Data, demographics and maps
An alphabetical listing of all District agencies.
Health Human Services Icon
District of Columbia AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Pharmacies
Emergency Preparedness Icon
The Alert DC system provides rapid text notification and update information during a major crisis or emergency.
official documents and records icon
Apply for a building plat online.  You must include drawings of all existing and proposed property improvements such as a house, the driveway, deck and all trees that measure at least 4.5 feet above ground and have circumferences of 12 inches or more.
permits, licenses and certifications icon
Apply online for a fishing license online through the District Department of the Environment's e-Permit system.
Data, demographics and maps icon
The Broadband Provider Portal is a secure web application that allows broadband providers to access important program information, as well as view and mark up their service area information.
Data, demographics and maps icon
Collecting address data for internal analysis only.
Doing business in DC icon
Online database to check if a business entity has active license(s). You can search by License Number, address, name or the entire category list. 
Doing business in DC
A searchable database to find all certified local, small and disadvantaged business enterprises.
Doing business in DC icon
Track the status of a building permit application.
Children and Youth Services
Find care that meets the needs of you, your child and your family.
Children and youth services
Look up a child support case online.
Children and youth services
Employers may submit child support payments electronically through the CSSD secure website.
Children and youth services
A web site is for  non-custodial parents and employers who need assistance with the child support payment process. 
Children and youth services
An anonymous tip line to help locate non-custodial parents that are not providing financial support to their children.
Data, demographics and maps icon
DC Government provides public access to city operational data in an effort to increase transparency.
Doing business in DC icon
Apply online for a construction permit if you are modifying a structure, putting up a fence, or building a house, etc.
Doing business in DC icon
DCRA Corporate Division application for online business services.
