A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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The current release features Chapter One of all routes, as well as Chapter Two of Ranzo & Griff's. Chapter Two releases for all other routes will be coming soon.

This game features a soft-route-selection approach. The route is chosen during Chapter 1 at the Wheelhouse, with the option to switch routes to a character who appears shortly after.

For progress information, follow the project at @DawntideVN on twitter.


Riley's spent his whole life in Porthwarren. He flows with a steady pace, drifting from one part-time-job to the next. As certain as the tide rolls in and out, Riley's resigned to the ebb and flow of this routine. 

He's grown up with a good group of friends, but time and circumstance has brought distance between them. Ranzo works abroad on cargo ships, Billy studies north of the County, Sal has made herself busy with freelance work and Joe's settled into his cloistered museum job. Like the old boats that sway in the harbour, memories of the group's better times are moored loosely, and risk drifting off for good.

Walking familiar paths around the town, Riley is reminded of somebody he clung to like a rock in stormy waters. Someone outside the group. Someone he'd loved. Though after ten years apart, memories of him are painted in fading watercolour.

As cool Spring air breathes life onto the land, the town prepares for it's yearly folk festival. With Billy on break from university and Ranzo catching a ship to port, it's the perfect time for a reunion. However, with this year's festival marking a special occasion, it may draw in more visitors than anticipated.


Donations are apprecciated and will assist in the continued development of the project, but are not required to play.

This story uses strong language and makes reference to topics such as alcohol, sex & drug use. It is intended for 18+ audiences.

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(306 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Tagsdrama, Folklore, Furry, fvn, Gay, Mystery, Queer, Romance, storygame


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Dawntide_v1.08-mac.zip 233 MB
Dawntide_v1.08-pc.zip 238 MB
com.android.dawntidevn-08-1712513802-release.apk 246 MB

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i'm not even finished playing and i want to leave a comment to say that i love this game and i can't wait to see it completed. it has already made me teary-eyed a few times. the music adds so much, it's perfect -- i grabbed my headphones midway through the heart-to-heart talk with joe to experience it. i see myself in sal a lot and it's making me have realizations about myself. thank you for making this! i really want to see how joe's route goes : )


I love the music so bad!Can we get a music room pleace?

Is there a Sal route planned for the future or just Griff, Joe, Billy, and Ranzo?


The Sal route is tied in with the Griff route, but splits off later in the story. This is why she has most of the screen time in his second chapter.


I haven't felt the way I feel playing this game since I played night in the woods over 2 years ago. This is easily THE best visual novel I have ever played in my entire life.

(1 edit) (+3)

This was incredible, I absolutely loved it. It made me nostalgic for things I have never even experienced. Everything about it has been a 10/10 the narrative, the characters (especially the scruffiest boy), the art, the music.

Thank you, for creating this. It is exquisite and I can't wait to experience more.


Cool, this game has never been so meaningful for a long time.Looking forward to the next chapter very much.


this is so dysco elysium it's amazing


Amazing game man


the song that plays in Ranzo's route, you gotta release a full version of it!!


Awesome visual novel. I think you nailed that feeling of uncertainness but comfort you were going for.

(3 edits) (+3)

*—And you are too young to be making these decisions about yourself.



This scene is  remarkable for me. I think everybody is familiar with unasked, merciless, needless trial of your very existence, carried out by self-righteous people, sometimes even closest, just because you are being you. There were no decisions made, you didn't do anything wrong, still you're judged by people as if you were a criminal.  

Toxic cocktail of embarassment, weakness and a complete understanding of injustice that is happening, is running through your vains. You even start to sense guilty, as if all of their accusations were truth. Willing to fight back, not able to prove your innocence.

This maddening situation and following sensations made me, non-queer person, feel direct connection with Riley.

In my opinion, it says a lot how impactful and touching this beautiful novel can be.

Speaking about beauty of Dawntide, it's the most artistycally expressive and authenticly created stories I've ever seen. It looks and sounds exactly how port town should sound and look . And more importantly, the art-direction of this game is doing an amazing job at depicting Riley's worldview and perseption. He is an artist. And that is how we should see the world through his eyes.

Generally, I feel like everything is made on purpose in this novel. No word is thrown to be thrown. And words that are used are very strong. You are intrigued with interesting dialect of the group of friends, with their naturalness (they actually speak like real people!), with this "something" beneath the curtains everybody in this game has to offer. Intrigued from the start till' the end.

9/10 Absolutely wonderful story.

P.S. Sorry for poor English not very suitable for depiction of such a loveliness. It's not my mother language and haven't practiced it a lot. :)


This vn's artistry is comparable to that of Disco Elysium


Thank you so much for your work, your art already is something truly special, and I can't wait to see how you add further to it.


As far as art and overall presentation, this has got to be one the best vns out there. What a vibe.


huge thanks for the qol tweaks! cant wait for more story content soon :] you deserve all the support in the world for this project


This game is great, from the art style to the music

I really hope the development keeps going and going because I liked every single part of it <3


This game is just fantastic. i've never had such a good time playing a visual novel, and playing it while i was feeling down made it even better in some way.

thanks for making this, the storyline, the way the characters are written, the artwork and the music are really great.

i love Griff and Sal !! <3

(8 edits) (+1)

Going through Ranzo's Chapter 2 story has been a great experience, and Griff's route was even more amazing to me. Excellent work on everything so far! I especially love the music you created; they are absolute masterpieces, no exaggeration.

By the way, I found out there might be some minor bugs in the script:


- Chapter 1 -

If Riley chose to hang out with someone in Wheelhouse on the first day, then when meeting with Griff later by the end of the day, there are options asking if Riley is going to stick with his choice or change his plans.

For example, if promised Ranzo to visit his mum, then the options will be:

  • "Change Plans"
  • "Stick with Ranzo"

Choosing "Stick with Ranzo" is fine, but if you choose "Change Plans,"  some repetitive conversation will happen twice

Here is the dialogue history:


Riley: Ahh... Ranzo just got back and I promised I'd do some things with him, but maybe I could move something-

Griff: Hey, don't go cancelling any plans for the likes of me! I'm here 'til after the festival.

Riley (inner voice): He doesn't want to arrange anything.

"Change Plans"

Riley: It's really okay! It was a last-minute plan anyway.

Griff: Well, if it's no problem...

Griff: How about we do tomorrow by the harbour at ten?

Riley (inner voice): I would love that more than anything.

Riley: I'd like that.

Griff: It's set, then!

Riley: I'm free tomorrow. I've got the whole week off work, actually.

Griff: Lots of time to catch up, then! How's 10 sound, by the harbour?

Riley (inner voice): I would love that more than anything.

Riley: I'd like that.

Griff: It's set, then!

Riley: Do you mind if I grab your number?

- Chapter 2 -

In Griff‘s route, in the dialogue history during the flashback that Riley experienced at Sal's parents' house, the names of Dad and Mum were reversed, which means that what dad said was marked as what mum said, and vice versa.

This problem only occurs in dialogue history, not during normal gameplay.

I believe there might need some attention.

Again, thanks to Choob and all other contributors to Dawntide, for bringing such a wonderful VN to the world. Wish you best of luck with the next updates!

Thanks for spotting these. I'm aiming to release a bug fix update this weekend so I'll include these on the list.


ranzo mmmmmmmm oough


I have nothing but praise for this VN, despite being this early on development it's already earned it's spot as my favourite, I've been recommending it to everyone when I first finished it.

 The art, music and writing are phenomenal, I deeply relate to Riley as a character which is super refreshing in the FVN world. 

Keep up the amazing work!!! 


I have nothing to say about this VN other than the highest praises, this is truly amazing. I love Griff so much, I have cried over this man already multiple times and reread his scenes even more times. His theme alone is just...perfect. It captures so much emotion that goes beyond words and I just need him so badly. The rest of the VN is great! Music, especially, I think, gets used so intentionally here and is to a degree that you just don't see as consistently in other VNs. Not to mention the art, sprites/their alterations and CGs alike are so impactful to getting the feeling behind everything.


One thing I was curious about though, does route select sorta occur twice depending on who you hang out with after day one? I think it was said before that it wouldn't but when you go onto Griff route/hang out with no one and are free for Griff in the morning, it seems like you have no actual choice to make whereas hanging out with Ranzo gives you a choice between him and Griff. Will hanging out with Billy/Joe also leave you with only Billy/Joe + Griff as choices or is that just a temporary thing that'll change once their routes get updated?

(3 edits) (+3)

Vague spoilers for current Chapter 2 content:

Chapter 2 was originally going to have a choice to switch between any route at the pub. This was done so players didn't feel "locked in" through one decision. While this was a "fair" way to plot out a multiple-choice game, it didn't make for a very interesting or relevant way to tell this one.

The choice has since changed so that after spending a day with Joe, Billy or Ranzo, you can choose to switch to Griff. If you choose Griff on day 1, you're set on that path.

A lot of the planned "hybrid routes" didn't have a lot of payoff on their own and left a lot of established plot hooks hanging. With others needing to be re-established in the next chapter, it felt messy and unfulfilling. However, as an outsider to the group, Griff can explore those setups from a different perspective.

Griff's route being a lock-in (with a choice to switch to it from others) is also a way to show Riley's infatuation with him. Though it's a choice-based game, the player is still only in control of someone with their own wants and biases.

Simple summary: picking Griff's route means you're on Griff's route. You can switch to him from any other route in the second chapter, with some differences based on who you picked first.


I really love this vn, the storyline, the music, especially the artsyle. They're so unique. I love that the artstyle differs depending on the mood. Love it


This is truly the best VN I have seen in a long time. So unique, the music, story and artstyle is amazing. Can't wait for updates!

Hi, since there hasn't been any ost release so far (iirc you're planning a vol 1 once chapter 2 is done), how do you feel about people uploading some ripped tracks on YouTube with proper attribution?

Let me know what's your stance on it and I'd be happy to oblige! (It's your work after all).


I'll have to think on this one. I know people want a place to listen to what's currently available, but I'd also like the time to make versions of the tracks that are less rough-around-the edges.


No worries! Wouldn't want you to rush out something that you aren't happy with just to meet a specific demand. I think more enthusiastic readers can go look for them in the game files for their personal use already.


I feel like going out for a drink with an old friends that I haven't seen in a long time.

love everything about this VN. 

Thank you for all your hard works.


Thank you, i loved this new bit of story, and i really want to see where Griff and Riley go from here, still loving the music and im really hoping for extended versions :3c


explodes and dies from peak 


In so many words... Its peak.

(7 edits) (+1)

Ranzo is so awesome, I love him so much.

And his nickname for Riley, Ryebread... AAAAAA, MY HEART MELTED

100/10 just for him alone. 

But the music, the characters (even Billy, who I have a love-hate relationship with), the artstyle, and did I mention the music? All of it is so awesome.


Edit 1: Griff's theme... It has a heartfelt melancholy that not even I could describe in words. Cozy, alluring, yet bittersweet and rueful at the same time. I love the touches on this song.

Edit 2: Shinbone. Gives very much jazzy mid-tempo hip-hop. I kinda like it. I vibe with it.

Edit 3: The hangover is going to be BRUTAL. Oh wait. Another form of hangover. Wonderful.

Edit 4: It's a fuckin'— gods above, it's a damn Jack of Spades.

Edit 5: I knew it. I knew I was gonna hate her the moment that flashback hit. And here we are. I hate her.

Final Edit: Choob, you wonderful, wonderful individual. This was a ride. And I am here for it. I swear, why didn't I discover this before?


Ahhhhhh what a great update. I already noticed it in the earlier builds but the soundtrack and SFX are stellar. I especially love Griff's theme. Its sooooo cozy.

Good stuff Choob!

So I noticed the game was updated recently I imagine just a few tweaks nothing added to the story for any of the love interest I was wondering if it will have any more quote unquote Romance pictures also I wanted to know if you would add a hide button because I sometimes like to share pictures novels my favorite love interest is ranzo


Do you mean an option to hide the text-box? Hadn't thought of this, but I'm sure it can be done!

The most recent update has built on the route focused on Griff. I should make an update post here to state that. I forget that not everyone comes to this page through Twitter where it's usually announced.

As for 'Romance' pictures, the story will continue to develop on the relationships between characters and have CGs for significant moments. These will include more romantically/sexually focused scenes, but I don't plan on including any explicit imagery. 

I have no issue with it and think it works well for some VNs, but it's a personal preference for how I want to tell this particular story.


Question, is there a way to focus on sally instead of the others? I feel like her story is interesting.


You'll be glad to know that there will be a lot of Sal in future updates, as well as choices you can make later-on to spend more time with her.


that will be awesome, they seem so adorable, looking after one another.


This visual novel is so stellar! I played it back in August and was blown away, eagerly anticipating the next update. The new update was as amazing as what I've played before!

My favorite part of this visual novel is the detail and care put into it. For example, how there are certain parts of dialogue with different fonts, which change how you read and interpret it. There is even a part where the text goes outside of the textbox, showing the drunken feelings of the characters in that scene. There are also changes to the previously released updates, encouraging readers to re-experience past scenes. I love this, as it more fully realizes the setting, but it also is fun for those who want to re-read a bit to take them back into the story before continuing with a new update.

The presentation is also out of this world. I love the interface so much, just to see something different than what I've seen from so many other visual novels. I also love how the CGs have motion to them, which adds more immersion to the scenes. The style is also very unique, with me personally loving the character portraits. They clue the reader into the character by seeing the pose and background details, while having a very recognizable style to it. 

Lastly, the characters are a treat to see. The dialogue seems so natural, and I love hinting at characters and situations that will hopefully be explored later. I love everybody from the main cast, and am excited to explore their past relationships with each other. 

I love Dawntide so far, and I am excited to see further updates!



It seems APK ver. is broken


Sorting this out now, thanks!

I tried installing the apk but it says "not installed as package appears to be invalid" so I couldn't play, pls fix?

Should be fixed now!

(1 edit) (+3)

Im super excited to play the new update, but the android version seems like it might have a problem. It's giving the error "App not installed as package appears to be invalid." I've tried full uninstalling the app to clean reinstall, but that didn't fix it.

Re-uploaded and tested on a couple of devices. This should be fixed. Let me know if you're still having any issues with it.

It worked this time! Thanks for the quick fix!





(4 edits) (+3)

I already love this VN.

Absolutely adore the artwork, it's unique, has it's own personality and really pops out at you. Music is also incredible and sets the mood perfectly. I love the aesthetic and tone of this visual novel. It does everything so… perfectly, for lack of better description.

By the end of chapter 1, I knew for sure this was going to be something special, that scene absolutely knocked it out of the park and flooded my heart with emotions.

Also, somehow with only two chapters worth of content, I've already fell in love with a certain scruffy dog. He is precious.

Very excited to see more!!

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